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AAS Direct/Bouwen log


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I got the chance to review and log for new sponsor Aasdirect/Bouwen. The customer service was great, helpful and patient. I chose option 3. So I received a test cyp/tren e/ and oral “omnibol”
My goal is continue getting leaner but losing no size and working on bringing up my back specifically. Here is pic of products and present progress pic


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So first shot today was .75ml test c/.5ml Tren e in my right delt and (2) omnibol an hour preworkout. Oils is smooth as silk . Could definetly taste the Tren entering the body. I had an extremely awesome leg day today and took some pics. I’m just gonna list my “worksets” . I started with
S/S adduction machine and calf raises on leg press machine. 2x15/2 x Failure
Plate loaded squat (5PPSx8), 6PPSx6
Plate loaded platform belt squat
115PSx11, 135PSx 7
Seared ham curl (2) 130xfailure/9&7reps
Seated Singled leg ext: 70PSx12, 80PSx10
Seated calf raise (3setz)35PSx12,10,9
Machine Crunchez: 110x15, 120x13, 100x15


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Looking solid brother! I will always have mad respect for those who put in the work!! Keep it up bro!!
Just quick background info. What made this cycle timing just “perfect” for me is I jus finished a test cyp/Tren a cycle that was just one bottle of each. So carrying over to “Bouwen” products was Percy timing for my body. It was already primed and I didn’t have to wait for anything to “kick start or kick In” . It just went from small cycle to BeastMode cycle lol. I’ve been still doing my shots EOD. Doses come out to:
Test cyp: 650mg week
Tren eth 200: 300mg week

My metabolism is like a straight freight train. I’m hungry constantly and my body’s just burning up food/calories like it’s nothing. So keeping diet up and in check is honestly the hardest part so far. Sleep is definetly being effected but not enough that it’s affecting my mood.
My libido is almost uncontrollable. It’s all the time day and night and gets annoying to be honest.
Today when I hit the gym I’m doing back. So I’ll update y’all after that
Sorry for late update. I was on vacation this past week in Bermuda . It was amazing and also for sure the most prepared I’ve ever been physically for a trip. People were extremely nice and constant compliments and nice little gym in the cruise ship too. Not sure of weight currently since my nutrition wasn’t the “norm”. But I ate mainly healthy high protein high carbs around breakfast and when doing activities. Here’s some pics of current status. First is day before trip and second pic is this past Friday on vacay. Feel great, libido is through stratosphere, and body is running like a machine . Just constantly fueling up and burning fat


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That's awesome, small world because I'm doing the same, me and the family leave August 24th, 5 night cruise, Bermuda. We went last year too, horseshoe Beach. Can't beat it. I did the same, ate good during the day and enjoyed our dining at night. I thought I'd be one of the few people at the gym they have, but there was a decent amount of people, which is a good thing these days! Hope you had an awesome time, I'm sure you did!
Ok so I have a pretty awesome update. Like I mentioned earlier I went on a vacay from July 21-28th. I ate as healthy as possible and as much as possible and during the 7 day cruise I hit the gym doin full body workout 3x 35-40 mins each. Today was my 2nd day home at my regular gym. And I easing back into my normal eating schedule and at the gym I hit back/rear delt/bis. My weight was down from 230.2 -218.4. But my look is insanely dense full and vascular regardless of weight. I was actually really proud of these pics. These are from tinite . I want people to know I hate taking selfies I only donit for the logs as proof of progress. I go through these other logs and I hardly see any pics. Just a list of food they ate and basic workout sets and reps. I can do all that but I’d rather have people ask me questions if they’d like. I’m open to answering or helping just send a message. Very happy with the @Bowen gear. I’m only taking one of the “omnibol@ and half a tab of winny 50 tab that way my doseages are basically the same. 25mg Dbol, adrol and winstrol. I think the current dosage protocol outshines the winny and honestly makes it pointless. So fixed the issue in my own and will see how it goes. The test andTren are working great though


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Haz it was my favorite vacay so far . And I can say I actually preferred staying at one place more so then traveling to different islands. There was so so much to do and it was great not having a time limit and being able to go back and forth to the ship whenever u wanted. So if I didn’t want to spend crazy $ of food and drinks we could just go back on the boat for a couple hours then come back out and do whatever activities we wanted to.
So I meant to post this pic yesterday. It was an example of one of my post workout meals made by my girl. There’s a huge huge difference between my plain Jane post meals and then the delicious gourmet meals my girl makes that just show the difference “TLC” makes when making food. This pic is the meal she made with steak, this special “street corn” and this tasty ass potatoe recipe too


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So I’m was happy to see the other night since being back from my 7day vacay in Bermuda I’ve gotten back for the most part, to my normal workout and eating schedule. When I got back from vacay I was 218.4lbs. As of Friday 2 days ago I’m up to 224.8. I am still fighting the adjustment back to life working nights though. Some days are good other days are rough. On my hard days if I miss the gym what I’ll do is bring my gym stuff to work and hit my gym at work for 30-40min quick session. At least that way I don’t feel the guilt of missing a session. Regarding the AASdirect products , the omnibol is amazing in the gym, pumps are great and def feel the extra boost and feel good sensation I have always gotten mentally from Dbol. My libido is through the roof which is probably from both the test and Tren . Controlling that may be the hardest part to be honest with yall. I destroyed legs yesterday and even did free weight squats for the first time in months because of nerve damange I had flaring up extremely bad for months. But it’s been gettin so much better the past 4-6 weeks I decided to give the squat a try and I was very happy and impressed with how well it went. I didn’t wanna go crazy although I know I could’ve definetly gone heavier. But I ended up after my warm up sets doin 2’work sets with 315x6 and 315x5. Then I did 3 extremely slow workers in the leg press with 4PPS for 15 and the 5PPS for 11 and 9’reps. I ended with 4 sets of calf raises. My first two exercises before squats were leg ext and standing single leg ham curls
Going on vacation is fun but can be a mindfuck when you return. You'll get back to it quickly enough!
Like the saying goes “when it rains it pours”! It’s been a brutal weeknd for me . We had some insane rain/hurricane weather where I am and got caught in the middle of it in the mountains at that while picking my daughter up from her summer camp. Huge Tree fell down in the middle of the road taking lines out and all. My gps said I was still a mile away. The FF told me it’s best to head back up the road or home. But I was free mines to get my daughter. So I parked on the side of the road where there wasn’t feees and walked through this unknown forest until I got to her camp. Pick her up and her (5) bags then walked back with her . Get to my car safely only to have another tree fall in front of us heading back down the other side of the road. So we were stuck still for 2 hours in this storm in my car. When the tree finally gets removed and lines get put out I head home jus to find my basement had some flooding from all the rain. So had to take care of that part of Friday and Saturday morning. Then Saturday had to prepare for my other daughters 15th bday party. So that happened Sunday with 7 kids and 4-5 family members. Then the clean up after that was a disaster too. But I finally made the gym today for the first time in 4 days and killed legs. After my warm up cardio started with leg ext and kneeling single leg Ham curls . Moved onto hack squats where worked way up 2 work sets of 405 for 6 reps and then 5reps. Then hit the pendulum squat device (always most brutal). 1st workset 45PS for 9 rep and 2nd wrk set was 45 and 10PS for 7 reps. Then ended with superset of adduction machine and calf raises. Limped back to my car and got home . Just to be greeted my the kids asking me to help out up there new basketball hoop. Which woulda been fine if my back wasn’t so pumped and tight I felt like a 75 yr old man. My cycle is about done . I do wanna give final stays next time I go and end pics too. So I’ll hit yall up soon guys. Take care!
Thanks for doing this and looking forward to following along.

Like the saying goes “when it rains it pours”! It’s been a brutal weeknd for me . We had some insane rain/hurricane weather where I am and got caught in the middle of it in the mountains at that while picking my daughter up from her summer camp. Huge Tree fell down in the middle of the road taking lines out and all. My gps said I was still a mile away. The FF told me it’s best to head back up the road or home. But I was free mines to get my daughter. So I parked on the side of the road where there wasn’t feees and walked through this unknown forest until I got to her camp. Pick her up and her (5) bags then walked back with her . Get to my car safely only to have another tree fall in front of us heading back down the other side of the road. So we were stuck still for 2 hours in this storm in my car. When the tree finally gets removed and lines get put out I head home jus to find my basement had some flooding from all the rain. So had to take care of that part of Friday and Saturday morning. Then Saturday had to prepare for my other daughters 15th bday party. So that happened Sunday with 7 kids and 4-5 family members. Then the clean up after that was a disaster too. But I finally made the gym today for the first time in 4 days and killed legs. After my warm up cardio started with leg ext and kneeling single leg Ham curls . Moved onto hack squats where worked way up 2 work sets of 405 for 6 reps and then 5reps. Then hit the pendulum squat device (always most brutal). 1st workset 45PS for 9 rep and 2nd wrk set was 45 and 10PS for 7 reps. Then ended with superset of adduction machine and calf raises. Limped back to my car and got home . Just to be greeted my the kids asking me to help out up there new basketball hoop. Which woulda been fine if my back wasn’t so pumped and tight I felt like a 75 yr old man. My cycle is about done . I do wanna give final stays next time I go and end pics too. So I’ll hit yall up soon guys. Take care!

Man that sounds rough. Glad you guys made it out safely.
Wow man, bet all that adrenaline sure got you pumped for your workout and sorry to hear of all that but you and your kids are still here thanks to you!
Yea it was just a brutal weekend from Fri-Sun. I wanted to update you guys on my workout today. I hit mostly chest and some tris. Because I’ve had a torn pec and surgery in a torn elbow tendon, my chest workouts are no longer anywhere near the weights they use to be, but there still decent numbers that I do improve on from time to time. But my biggest concern is making the most out of each and every rep, squeezing at the contraction hard as possible, keeping tension on my chest non stop and using about 75% unilateral devices or DBs . That way my stronger “un-injured” side doesn’t compensate for the weaker side. So I used a lying unilateral plate loaded chest press first. What I like most about this device is the angle goes inwards somewhat so I get a stronger squeeze in my inner pecs. And I can tuck my elbows well, not to much but well enough to be safe. My last 2 workers were (2) 45s PS for 8 reps and then again for 7 reps. I then moved onto the hammer strength iso de one press. I worked my way up to the same weights. But my first work set I got 8 reps using both arms at the same time. The 2nd set I focused on doing just one arm at a time and actually got 10 reps per arm. From there I moved to the cables. I did 2 sets of standing cable flys from the ground up for upper chest. 20lb PS for 9 reps and then lowered it to 15lb PS for 11 reps . I then moved the cables up to mid level and did two work sets with 20lbs PS for 12 reps. And my last set for cable was standing decline cable flys for 29lbs for 9 reps. I ended my workout with 2 sets of failure in the seated dip machine with the bar handles wide and went super slow on my negatives and kept my chest up shoulder blades back. After my workout the are the pics I took for my final set of pics for my log


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Flex congratulations brother keep working hard! I will be following in your footsteps !! Sitting at 186 pounds and 8% BF now looking to add more size and look like you!