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Anavar to offset appetite decrease on oral AAS

The Grim Repper

Staff member
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Hey there Freaks. Anyone who's taken oral anabolics like Anadrol, Dianabol, Superdrol, Someotherfuckingdrol knows that along with the intermittent nausea, general malaise, lethargy that can accompany oral steroid use, LOSS OF APPETITE really sucks. I mean, c'mon people...you screwballs invent these amazing mass-gaining, tissue spawning molecules of muscle but then we can't friggin eat?!?!?!. OK. So, in all fairness, they were invented to help injured and sick individuals. Now, before you say us meatheads are sick and injured, you may be right, but then again, just shut the fuck up Grim and get to the point...
Studies show that Oxandrolone, commonly known as Anavar, has an appetite-stimulating quality about it. So, being on an ever-ongoing quest for muscle I decided to use low dose Anavar to stimulate my appetite on moderate to high doses of orals, namely Anadrol. I was running 100 mg of drol daily, split into 5 20mg doses. I would run 20 mg of Anavar at doses 1, 3, and 5 of the drol. I had zero heartburn/GERD and NO loss of appetite. In fact, at that time, I bumped my calories 750 a day and remained lean and full as I got stronger. I'd suggest that anyone looking to mitigate the appetite crushing impact of strong orals, try the Anavar "crutch" method. :)

Now shut up and lift.

EDIT: I should add that I initially started with 30mg of Anadrol on workout days only, pre-workout. I increased it to 50mg daily and was running Anavar at 20mg 2x daily since I figured that I was "running" drol steady at that point - so var at, 40mg ED. So, the dose ratio was anywhere from 60-80% or so of the drol dosage - starting at 80%(50/40) then going to 60% (100/60). I'm sure that like most things, they're dose dependent.
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not everyone loses appetite on orals. in fact, i've seen lots of guys boosting their appetite on dbol and androl. although doses were up to 50 mg/day.
but yes, you're right, i've also seen many of those who do lose their appetite on stuff like anadrol and dbol.
most of them were much smaller than you tho. based on your pic
Good to know Grim that’s what it’s all about sharing our experiences with gear. I’m getting some Var to have if I experience loss of appetite it happens especially working in this heat! I have 200mg of EQ in my system it gets my appetite up.
not everyone loses appetite on orals. in fact, i've seen lots of guys boosting their appetite on dbol and androl. although doses were up to 50 mg/day.
but yes, you're right, i've also seen many of those who do lose their appetite on stuff like anadrol and dbol.
most of them were much smaller than you tho. based on your pic
Absolutely! I used to get hungry AF on dbol years back. Nandrolone suppresses appetite and yep @Durro I'm running EQ and love the boost in hunger especially since I stay lean also, so I get to have my cake and eat it too. By cake I mean chicken and rice LOL.

Lemmo know if you wind up using the var and if so, when you do take it, how you make out with the hunger, bro. Excited to see what your mileage is.
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ever tried mk677? heard lots of good stuff about it in terms of appetite

I get crazy hungry on MK, first time I tried I over did it went hypo and killed a whole box of granola bars. Was sitting in my living room cold sweating a pool. But I got use to it and it’s a great tool during a bulk

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I get crazy hungry on MK, first time I tried I over did it went hypo and killed a whole box of granola bars. Was sitting in my living room cold sweating a pool. But I got use to it and it’s a great tool during a bulk

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I didn't get that pronounced spike in hunger from MK, but from experience, I think that sometimes we respond well and at other times like crap.
I didn't get that pronounced spike in hunger from MK, but from experience, I think that sometimes we respond well and at other times like crap.
we sure do.
not everyone experiences a hunger spike from MK. but if you do and if you have appetite issues, it indeed can be a great tool during a bulk
Absolutely! I used to get hungry AF on dbol years back. Nandrolone suppresses appetite and yep @Durro I'm running EQ and love the boost in hunger especially since I stay lean also, so I get to have my cake and eat it too. By cake I mean chicken and rice LOL.

Lemmo know if you wind up using the var and if so, when you do take it, how you make out with the hunger, bro. Excited to see what your mileage is.
Yeah eq is my go to when I wanna be hungry or I know what I am taking will shut it down eq makes me starved
what dosage? asking because for most it does shit in terms of appetite under 400 mg/week.
The GH secreteagogues like ghrp-2 and 6 used to make me hungee as shit!

Omg dude GHRP6 is one of the best things ever man, I love it way more then MK I just hate pinning 2-3 times a day for the hunger since it only lasts 30 minutes

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Big fat blunt helps with any hunger issues.
Wish I could still smoke. If I ain't being monitored by the feds for criminal purposes, I'm being monitored for driving a big boy truck with a cdl. Feds stay in my ass. They have a nice little studio apartment in my colon.
The GH secreteagogues like ghrp-2 and 6 used to make me hungee as shit!
yeah, defininitely!
No matter how much weed I smoke I don’t get hungry anymore need a tolerance break perhaps

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been smoking and had huge hunger boost
been eating some edibles and had no hunger
someone told me it also depends on the type. not an expert tho
I don't think munchies are determined by sativa or indica. At least it never did for me. I could smoke either and eat the ass out of a dead rhino
No matter how much weed I smoke I don’t get hungry anymore need a tolerance break perhaps

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Heavy sativa usually suppresses appetite. Either way, good news is that heavy cannabis use reduces obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance. Hmmm. Nice! LOL

Effects of oral, smoked, and vaporized cannabis on endocrine pathways related to appetite and metabolism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human laboratory study | Translational Psychiatry