
To manage my blood pressure I have to eat a clean precontest style diet Year round and keep my body weight under 200Lbs. My bp was out of control for years. It still runs high but rarely goes to where I’m stressed. Over Christmas I are like a regular person for 4 days and besides my bp Sky rocketing(164/114), the systemic inflammation from eating sugar and saturated fats, plus the water retention from all the sodium, made my sciatica flare up so bad I felt an electrical shock from my spine to my left foot just while walking or coughing or standing standing up. I learned real quick I’ll never do that again. I’m putting off spine surgery as long as I can. Eating bad like a regular American slob for 4 days put 11 pounds of water on me.
For my blood pressure I currently take 5mg nebivolol(3rd generation beta blocker), 80mg telmistartan, 12.5mg HCTZ, and 10mg Cialis. My bp these days is typically 140/90 which is fine for me. The highest it’s ever gone was 220’s/120’s back when I was competing in bodybuilding and bulked up to as high as 265Lbs. My good friend had the same issue but refused to dropped size. He died while at the dialysis clinic a year and a half ago.