New to the site. I am 45 years old, 6ft. 2' 260lbs. I have worked out my whole life except for the last 5 or 6 years. I used gear only one time and it was 14 years ago in 2010. It was injectable Test and I was doing a shot every 3 days/half of the recommended dose to minimize androgenic effects. I put on size quick and was barely working out. I had to stop about 3/4 thru the cycle because I was getting SEVERE night calf cramps that would last wake me up and last for 10 minutes. I know that it was directly caused by dehydration due to another medication I was taking at the time which was Adderall (diredic). I am experiencing fatigue and all the stuff of lowering Testosterone. I have been researching and I was going to go the oral route for my first cycle and was looking at Test Undecanate because it is fast acting when taken orally and bypasses the liver or Test Enanthate or Anavar. I am looking for some advice from you guys who know and can help steer me in the right direction. Also where is best place to use to obtain what I need. Thank you very much in advance for your time and advice...