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cycle plan AAS and HGH


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This is the cycle I have been recommended through a whole lot of research then communications on other forums. Cut cycle into a bulk cycle 20 week plan
weeks compound
1-4 hgh 2iu
5-6 hgh 3iu
7-20 hgh 4iu

1-8 test 150
primo 100-150 E2 dictates

9-20 test 350
primo 250-350 E2 again

1-20 L-carnatine 500mg pre workout
cialis 5-10mg pre weight training

* if I can source it in time China is my only source atm
1-8 albuteral/ ketotifen

1-? T3 or T4 depending on bloods

I also have a whole range of supplements/ vitamins to maintain general health and organ support. for example Fish oil, natural E, Co q 10, B complex with p5p, NAC, multi, cal mag zinc, whole bunch of stuff from bulk supplements I can use aswell and then some.

What should I add/remove or change
Got a few questions. What is your cycle experience? What are your stats, height, weight, years training, etc. Goals?
Glad to hear that you are waiting for your blood work, that is really key.
Are you thinking T3 for fat loss or nutrient uptake?
first cycle really, I did 250mg then 300mg of test weekly for a period but dr obligations came up so cut it short. Training my entire life 34 now since I was 16 in some capacity. Had major injuries that limited it until last 3 years again. I have never had test levels naturally above 350 total. Hormones totally crashed about a year ago and I lost significant amount of muscle and gained fat in places its never been. So I am slowly restoring atm at 100 test e weekly split eod. With 70mg weekly of primo split the same very very very pleased so far.

6' 1, 240 atm will be 230 or less when I start this, 210 to 215 is as lean as I can get and still be healthy without gear so I'm kinda basing it around that. Goal is cutting into a lean spring/ summer bulk.

T3 because it's on the low end to start with next bloods will be the answer on t3 & or t4. then will leverage as the boost for both at different phases & to kinda squeeze out the extra bits I can without pushing any one vector too hard to leave room to always move up if need be in one way or another.
My results so far from what I've been on I shouldn't need to push the AAS to much to get some significant returns. With the combos.

When my hormones crashed I developed gyno so I have been using primo to keep e2 under wraps. My body is recomping tremendously well tho Primo was a game changer. 3 weeks of diet 3 weeks of maintenance has been working very well so far. I anticipate in 3 weeks I will be back to 220-230 and will up the anti on my dieting and see how lean I can get now with the first 8 weeks, then stack some muscles on in a mild surpluss starting at +200 cal, and will kinda go from there with the scale weekly. Want to maintain a leaner bulk so Primo was the recommendation since I'm already accustomed to it, and increasing the test.

After I take time off and reset I have an actual bulk planned for late this year with Deca likely. I use low doses of NPP randomly when my joints get rough currently which has been fantastic 50 to 75 a week spread eod during a week has been magic. Seldom as needed.

B4 I started my trt journey everything I read years past had me convinced 500 test or bust lol.
Since this is your first true cylce I would highly recommend getting blood work done every 4-6 weeks. The last thing you want to do is crash estrogen too low and have it effect your joints and lipids (which will already be skewed do to the nature of AAS and will be something you need to closely monitor).
T3 or T4 will only get included if they are still super low in my next bloods
Very smart here. I wouldn't include them off the bat if they are not needed.

Other than that as long as you monitor your blood pressure and resting heart rate and if need be introduce ancillaries like telmisartan to combat any negative findings this seems like a decent cycle imo.
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I already paid for a test for free and total T and E sensitive test for on cycle. I have been super ontop of my estrogen as I can feel the sides from too high or 2 low immediately. Then did bloods to confirm. I have been working hard at getting my blood pressure as perfect as possible before I put stress on it aswell. Thinking about ordering Telmisartan raws now, and maybe some caber aswell. Have it and not need it vs need it and not have it.
I already paid for a test for free and total T and E sensitive test for on cycle. I have been super ontop of my estrogen as I can feel the sides from too high or 2 low immediately. Then did bloods to confirm. I have been working hard at getting my blood pressure as perfect as possible before I put stress on it aswell. Thinking about ordering Telmisartan raws now, and maybe some caber aswell. Have it and not need it vs need it and not have it.
Not sure you will need the caber with your current cycle plans. Not until you include a nandrolone anyway. But if you are making an order and have the extra $$... why not prepare for the future? I always like to have everything on hand before I start because stopping a cycle mid way and waiting a month for something to come in the mail is a bitch.

Just my personal opinion but I think you could start @250 Test per week and just keep it there. Also, no need to ramp up the primo, just find a dosage that helps you with estrogen issues and keep it there. Adding more primo for more size is kinda counter productive as it really isn`t a mass builder. More for estrogen control and for cosmetic reasons.

What kind of Test are you using? What will your injection schedule be? If it is Test E or C you can help combat estrogen issues by injecting 2x/wk or E3D, E4D, E5D, etc. Maybe start Test at 200/Wk moving to 300/wk and keep your primo at 100-150/wk throughout?
TEST E I do EOD injections now, I ran 250 already for a while I could stay there going to play that exact dosage by ear so to speak depending on the variables.

rather have it and not need it then need It and not have it with the caber is why.