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Does tren make anyone else feel like shit?


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500 test/400 tren a week. i get Headaches, bodyaches, along with the normal sides. Doesnthis happen to anyone else and do yoh habe any suggestions? My BP is high thanks to genetics. 145/85 ish.
That’s a concerning BP level bro. You need to address that. What was it before tren?

I just started 20mg/daily of tren ace and haven’t experienced any physical sides yet. No night sweats, shortness of breath, etc. Previously would run 200/wk of tren E and it would turn me into a puddle of sweat.

Never ran ace before and never pinned daily before so I’m not sure if either of those variables are helping. But I think I will stick with daily pins, or at least 5X/week going forward
Ace makes me nutty and anxious. And makes me feel like shit at times. Enth at 150 is perfect. Little sweaty at night and minor heartburn but that's it. I will also do base as pre workout a couple times a week. 25mg at a time. So I guess you could say I'm doing 200-225 a week.
The reason for all those symptoms is likely due to your very elevated BP. I would not be doing a cycle with elevated BP if health is at any value for you.
Why are you starting so high, most people struggle around the 300 mark, I have used tren A 30 mgs, 6 days a week. 180 total, I take Sundays off, that's my off day of training so I sleep in. But anyway, that's too high, and hopefully your not using the sides to determine if your gear is real or not. That's not the way to go. Get your blood work done
This is exactly why I do not use Tren anymore. It was causing me more harm than benefits. I couldn't even workout on it.

I have been my own lab rat for many years and now HGH, Test, and Deca is enough to keep me happy.
I tolerate tren pretty well but my body shuts down after 2 1/2 weeks on Anadrol. No energy, I want to take a nap every afternoon, etc.
I can tolerate Hex and E.....Ace just gives me all the sides and awful feeling...I stick to Hex low dose and for the most part no bad sides ..
Uhh yea bro! 100% makes you feel shitty, fucks with your sleep, fucking sweat all the time, irritable. Yes yes and yes
I typically feel fine on tren, I definitely feel better then my blood work looks lol. I’ve never ran ace though only Enanthate most guys like AAS directs rep normally get those sides from ace rather then Enanthate

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This is exactly why I do not use Tren anymore. It was causing me more harm than benefits. I couldn't even workout on it.

I have been my own lab rat for many years and now HGH, Test, and Deca is enough to keep me happy.
⬆️ This!! A creed to live by 🤘😎👍
500 test/400 tren a week. i get Headaches, bodyaches, along with the normal sides. Doesnthis happen to anyone else and do yoh habe any suggestions? My BP is high thanks to genetics. 145/85 ish.
Nobody has asked this yet, what is your history with using Tren? I want to know if this is your first run with Tren, 3rd, 6th, etc. 400mg/wk of Tren with 500mg Test is not beginner doses. Even for a seasoned AAS user who is trying Tren for the first time. Tren is one you definitely want to start lower than you think and titrate the dose up as you go. That BP # is not uncommon with the compounds and doses your running. Are you using any kind of BP meds? You mention your BP # is associated with genetics. Genetics and AAS are a very good reason to be using something to control BP #'s.