Get that blood pressure in check dude genetic or not.
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This!! A creed to live byThis is exactly why I do not use Tren anymore. It was causing me more harm than benefits. I couldn't even workout on it.
I have been my own lab rat for many years and now HGH, Test, and Deca is enough to keep me happy.
Nobody has asked this yet, what is your history with using Tren? I want to know if this is your first run with Tren, 3rd, 6th, etc. 400mg/wk of Tren with 500mg Test is not beginner doses. Even for a seasoned AAS user who is trying Tren for the first time. Tren is one you definitely want to start lower than you think and titrate the dose up as you go. That BP # is not uncommon with the compounds and doses your running. Are you using any kind of BP meds? You mention your BP # is associated with genetics. Genetics and AAS are a very good reason to be using something to control BP #'s.500 test/400 tren a week. i get Headaches, bodyaches, along with the normal sides. Doesnthis happen to anyone else and do yoh habe any suggestions? My BP is high thanks to genetics. 145/85 ish.