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Equipose anxiety?


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Anyone else get anxiety or nervousness from EQ?
I have never had any feeling of anxiety with any drug - currently I am taking 1750mg of EQ and I feel great, EQ does not do anything bad to my blood work either - I have a naturally low hematocrit and hemoglobin so it even helps me and it has no negative effect on me for lipids - basically, when it comes to EQ, I can dose them as high as I want without side effects
Never tried EQ but I hear anxiety and elevated BP are common sides. I see some labs now carry oral EQ. I wonder if that makes any difference?
Any elevated BP sides? Especially at that dose?
I seem to be resistant to blood pressure increase from any one drug in particular. It’s mostly if my e2 rapidly changes or some change like rapid change of gh dose to a higher one.

Higher doses total tends toward higher bp but I have a family history,both mom and dad are on 2 and 3 different drugs for bp, and was diagnosed with high 19. Never touched gear till 29 and I manage mine now with just adequate hydration, magnesium, and adding in Potassium and sodium to lock in the hydration without peeing it out. I drink 68 oz water within the first hour of waking and take 500mg sodium from salt with it to hold in the water and not pee out as much.

I was on telmisartan for bp 40mg but it gave me hyperkalemia up to 5.5 and 5.4. Tried 20 and it didn’t go down so I dropped it and payed extra close attention to the hydration and electrolytes and I’m dialed for all of except 4-5 hours a day right after I take my caffeine and 10mg Dexedrine it goes to 135/70 but then backs down to 123/65ish. At night it’s even lower.

If I take anadrol/superdrol I preemptively take 20mg tadalafil to prevent the increase those give due to the rapid shift in fluid dynamics/androgen load etc. I’ve had anadrol give me 190/110bp before when I wasn’t hydrated a long time ago. But now I’m like 140/70 within the first 6 hours of anadrol with the cialis. Idk why but just anadrol or maybe superdrol seem to effect my bp but no other injectables do specifically
Interesting. Never heard of that condition before? “hyperkalemia” good to know

Hydration is very important. I consume 1-1.5gal per day. I drink 44oz of decaf green tea on top of that with an additional 32oz of water with the MIO electrolyte added.

I take Cialis ED at 5mg, Magnesium at 500mg 2Xs a day, Potassium at 500mg 2Xs a day, including eat at least one banana ED while at least 2 meals include broccoli containing a total of 6cups of broccoli that is 288mg potassium per cup, totaling another 1728mg potassium. This is important vitamin along with the magnesium.

I have high BP…runs in the family so I have to watch my sodium intake. I try to stay at 1500-1750mg of sodium intake per day. I also take a low dose of BP meds. I also must keep my E2 in check to avoid the excessive water retention that critically affects my BP. Highest I’ve every confirmed was 178/108. I felt awful. Now I’m at 116-123/59-70 most of the time.
I've gone as high as 1,200 on EQ and never had anxiety. That being said, I never front loaded to get serum concentrations up quicker, which some people I've worked with have tried (not my advice) and usually that E2 crush can bring that anxiety on. I do have to admit that when on higher doses, I do notice more irritability than on any other compound. My BP is always stellar though, regardless of compounds used or doses. Usually low 100s/sys high 50s/low 60s/dias. Lucky, maybe. Individual differences, folks.
I've gone as high as 1,200 on EQ and never had anxiety. That being said, I never front loaded to get serum concentrations up quicker, which some people I've worked with have tried (not my advice) and usually that E2 crush can bring that anxiety on. I do have to admit that when on higher doses, I do notice more irritability than on any other compound. My BP is always stellar though, regardless of compounds used or doses. Usually low 100s/sys high 50s/low 60s/dias. Lucky, maybe. Individual differences, folks.
Even when I have an elevated BP my normal resting HR ranges between 48-52 BMP.
Even when I have an elevated BP my normal resting HR ranges between 48-52 BMP.
That's a nice BPM to have! One piece of advice I give everyone is make sure you're hitting the cardio consistently - does wonders to bring BP down - even if only a few digits (but usually more), every bit helps.
Interesting. Never heard of that condition before? “hyperkalemia” good to know

Hydration is very important. I consume 1-1.5gal per day. I drink 44oz of decaf green tea on top of that with an additional 32oz of water with the MIO electrolyte added.

I take Cialis ED at 5mg, Magnesium at 500mg 2Xs a day, Potassium at 500mg 2Xs a day, including eat at least one banana ED while at least 2 meals include broccoli containing a total of 6cups of broccoli that is 288mg potassium per cup, totaling another 1728mg potassium. This is important vitamin along with the magnesium.

I have high BP…runs in the family so I have to watch my sodium intake. I try to stay at 1500-1750mg of sodium intake per day. I also take a low dose of BP meds. I also must keep my E2 in check to avoid the excessive water retention that critically affects my BP. Highest I’ve every confirmed was 178/108. I felt awful. Now I’m at 116-123/59-70 most of the time.
I also add magnesium 3x daily and potassium with my highest carb meals. Usually 600-1000mg potassium with those 1-2x daily. Believe it or not I actually add sodium despite the family history and it actually aids in keeping my BP down.. because like you I also drink a lot of water, and the sodium aids in locking the water in so when I drink a lot I don’t immediately pee it out as fast. So indirectly the sodium lets me hydrate to a more significant level, and if I miss water for some reason I have more wiggle room since I have extra hydration.
I take 1000-3000 supplemental sodium
Per day starting with a full 00 capsul of table salt when I first wake up with 64oz of water within the first hour of being awake.
i can chime in here

So Eq is known for this , but actually all anabolic androgenic steroids hav the ability to interfere with several things like dopamine, serotonin, and gaba. and generally the higher the dosage the more any sides will be noticeable. but to be more specific gaba is what your brain needs to dumb you down and get you to relax. and you have receptors for that. the steroids can actually inhibit or increases the effectiveness of the receptors. but no ones going to complain about an increase right. same for dopamine. now steroids being all different synthetics. they all will act different. our bodies are computers and what we upload with and how much will play a roll in how we function. our bodies also need a balance. and when we play god with our bodies we change that balance and we are no longer in factory settings.

best advice on eq or any steroid is to find your sweet spot
i can chime in here

So Eq is known for this , but actually all anabolic androgenic steroids hav the ability to interfere with several things like dopamine, serotonin, and gaba. and generally the higher the dosage the more any sides will be noticeable. but to be more specific gaba is what your brain needs to dumb you down and get you to relax. and you have receptors for that. the steroids can actually inhibit or increases the effectiveness of the receptors. but no ones going to complain about an increase right. same for dopamine. now steroids being all different synthetics. they all will act different. our bodies are computers and what we upload with and how much will play a roll in how we function. our bodies also need a balance. and when we play god with our bodies we change that balance and we are no longer in factory settings.

best advice on eq or any steroid is to find your sweet spot
Makes so much sense! Thanks for sharing!

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best advice on eq or any steroid is to find your sweet spot
THIS! Yeah, if you get the results you are looking for at 400mg/EQ/wk, stick with it, don`t fix what isn`t broken.
When I was younger I pushed the dosages because of what the other guys were taking and I had problems.
Turns out while I am not a super responder, I do respond better than most to lower dosages.

As for anxiety, that is something I would avoid at all costs. If your BP goes up or HDL goes down, you can adjust and fix the problem.
If you start getting nervous about things that you shouldn`t you run the risk of loosing relationships, getting angry when you shouldn`t, etc.
That`s not so easy to fix.
THIS! Yeah, if you get the results you are looking for at 400mg/EQ/wk, stick with it, don`t fix what isn`t broken.
When I was younger I pushed the dosages because of what the other guys were taking and I had problems.
Turns out while I am not a super responder, I do respond better than most to lower dosages.

As for anxiety, that is something I would avoid at all costs. If your BP goes up or HDL goes down, you can adjust and fix the problem.
If you start getting nervous about things that you shouldn`t you run the risk of loosing relationships, getting angry when you shouldn`t, etc.
That`s not so easy to fix.
This is true. Many individuals never realize their potential with small doses because either their diet (usually#1 problem), training, or recovery (or a combination of all three) are way off and they think the 'secret' is in upping the dosages. I always was a firm believer in getting the least out of the most. Then, these people who are taking mega doses of compounds (but haven't changed any of the other factors mentioned earlier) then experience zero results and 100% sides then claim "genetics" or poor responder.
Any elevated BP sides? Especially at that dose?
The one side I experience from EQ is a highly elevated BP. Because of heredity I already have an elevated BP, so, not the best AAS for me. As far as hematocrit goes, my hematocrit is already pegged to the max because of where I live, so this as well makes EQ not a good choice for me.