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Genlabs winstrol


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Been on genlabs injectable water based winni 50mg/ml for 2 weeks. Running only 25mg a day. Pain is minimal and results have been very noticeable.
Honestly for me personally I think it’s more effective. I’ve ran oral win up to 100mg a day sometimes higher the last week of prep. I’ve only been on 25mg of inj win for 10 days and my physique has a completely different look to it. Significantly harder, veinier, dryer, pissing like a race horse, etc.

Believe it or not I seen a podcast with Evan and he said inj win was one of his favorite compounds once he found one that wasn’t extremely painful so that peaked my interest again plus I used inj win back in 2015 which I feel was one of my best looks to day. Since then I haven’t used it bc of how painful it was but since I’m going for a pro card in July at masters nats I wanted to run a mock prep for vacation and figure out which drugs worked the best for me now and what I could tolerate when there’s no real goal at the end.

I also figure maybe the 50mg/ml vs the 100mg/ml might be tolerable from a pip perspective and it’s not bad at all but we’ll see when it goes to 1ml.
I've found some injectable Winny that's oil base. I'm not sure if the pip would be less with this type or not
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I've found some injectable Winny that's oil base. I'm not sure if the pip would be less with this type or not n
I’ve never used oil based but I believe the issue with winni is the raw powder has bigger crystals that never really fully absorb into the liquid which causes pain on injection but I have heard of a few guys using it that said it was better than water based but I have no proof bc I’ve personally never used it
Been on genlabs injectable water based winni 50mg/ml for 2 weeks. Running only 25mg a day. Pain is minimal and results have been very noticeable.
Thanks for sharing your experience with Genlabs products. It’s great to hear that you're noticing significant results with minimal pain even at a lower dosage.

Keep us updated on your progress and how the cycle goes.
Thankyou for choosing YMS.
Thanks for sharing your experience with Genlabs products. It’s great to hear that you're noticing significant results with minimal pain even at a lower dosage.

Keep us updated on your progress and how the cycle goes.
Thankyou for choosing YMS.


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Does the water base seem less effective mg to mg compared to the orals?
I found this


Oral and injectable Winstrol (Stanozolol) offer unique benefits, making them popular for cutting cycles, athletic performance, and muscle preservation, but they also come with distinct drawbacks.


These are the main benefits of using oral winstrol over its injectable variant:

Convenience: One of the main benefits of oral Winstrol is its convenience. It's easy to take without the need for injections, making it more accessible to users who are uncomfortable with needles.

Rapid Action: Since it's taken in pill form, oral Winstrol gets absorbed quickly, making it an efficient option for those looking for faster results in terms of improved vascularity and muscle hardening.

Availability: Unlike its injectable counterpart, oral Winstrol is widely available and affordable, making it easier to source.

The main drawbacks? It’s more liver toxic than the injectable, and the effects are not as pronounced, especially when it comes to skin-thinning, vascularity and muscle-hardening.


These are the ways in which injectable winstrol is superior to its oral counterpart:

Bioavailability: Injectable Winstrol doesn’t lose any potency during digestion, as oral Winstrol does. This results in better bioavailability, meaning more of the active compound is available for the body to use, possibly leading to slightly superior results.

Sustained Release: The injectable form tends to offer a more consistent release of the compound, maintaining stable blood levels longer than oral Winstrol.

Liver Strain: While still hepatotoxic, injectable Winstrol is less damaging to the liver than the oral form because it bypasses the liver's first-pass metabolism.

Aesthetics & Muscle Growth: While oral Winstrol is undoubtedly effective at improving vascularity, muscle hardness and definition, injectable Winstrol takes those effects to the next level while also having a more pronounced anabolic effect.

The main drawback? Injectable Winstrol is notorious for causing severe post-injection pain (PIP), sometimes described as an intense soreness or inflammation at the injection site. This is due to its water-based suspension, which tends to cause irritation in the muscle tissue. Furthermore, the crystals of the compound can be abrasive when injected, leading to prolonged discomfort, swelling, and even mobility issues at the injection site.


Ultimately, the choice between oral and injectable Winstrol depends on your tolerance for injections, concerns about liver toxicity, and the results you are looking to get out of the cycle.