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How has your training evolved?


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How has your training style evolved over time?

I'm 39 been at this since I was 17.
A buddy gave me my training and nutrition knowledge at the time.
I started with a 6 day routine.
Shoulders legs

3 sets each exercise
4 per bodypart
When I got 6 for all 3 sets I'd add weight.

From there I went on to lower volume high intensity like blood and guts, DC and bft training.

I tried other styles but always went back to this.

Worked with Phil hernon for a year and it was lower volume high frequency.
He completely changed how I viewed nutrition.

For the past almost year I've done extremely well with high volume and leaving a rep in the tank on higher fatigue movements. Paul Barnett is why I decided to give it a try and regret not training like this all along.

Recently started the John jewett xframe program and I'm loving it. It's a nice mix of high volume and intensity
Experimenting with new methods is always a good thing, as it ensures you keep on growing!
did you start your journey with a 6 day training routine at 17? weren't you fatigued?
Experimenting with new methods is always a good thing, as it ensures you keep on growing!
did you start your journey with a 6 day training routine at 17? weren't you fatigued?
No i didn't know what fatigue was at 17. Yes that was 6 days sometimes 7.

I'll be honest to this day I still don't really get fatigue from the gym. I've been doing 6 days for close to a year now and I'm not fatigued or needing a deload.
Our bodies adapt. I don't really think most people on gear training for hypertrophy really need deloads.

People worry far too much about overtraining.
I think if most people stopped worrying about over training and just went in and hit a body part until it cramped up when they tried to contract it and trained it as soon as it was recovered again around 3 to 4 days later they'd have a lot better results.
It's a bit different if youre moving heavy ass loads correctly but if we're really isolating the muscle correctly then by the time you're moving big ass weights you're going to be damn near pro size.

I do not force weight progression. My goal isn't to move more weight. My goal is to have better isolation and a better contraction with a given load.
I think of it as flexing the muscle through a full rom while holding a weight. If youre training and nutrition are up to snuff then you won't have any choice but to get stronger over time.
You'll get stronger by growing, most people don't grow by trying to get stronger. They just end up muscle fucking the weight up and feel good about beating the log book.