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The battle with low testosterone has been ongoing for several years. Changes in training, supplementation, and diet bring my testosterone levels into the reference range, but they don't stay there for long.

To keep it brief, my plan was to go for 15 weeks on 400mg of testosterone enanthate with 40mg of turinabol daily for the first 5 weeks. After the 15 weeks, I would lower the dose to 250mg for 4 weeks, and finally transition to 150mg to continue with TRT.

I want to use the 400mg approach to regain the muscle mass I’ve lost recently. I have Arimidex on hand, but I don’t think it will be necessary at this dose.

My question is: When I switch to TRT, should I occasionally introduce hCG to stimulate LH and FSH? I think that could cause estrogen to spike, but if I spread small doses of hCG over several smaller injections, the spike shouldn't be too dramatic, right?

After 5-6 weeks on TRT, I would monitor hematocrit, platelets, check lipid status (triglycerides, cholesterol), and occasionally follow up with a prostate ultrasound.

What do you think of my plan, and do you have any suggestions?

Age 38, height 180cm, weight 93kg.
Sure you can do that. It wouldn’t hurt it will definitely keep your balls full. Keep them from atrophying if they haven’t already it’ll fill them back up.
I don’t do that but I’ve heard of guys doing it so sure why not. I don’t remember what exactly they were doing but I’m sure someone will have some experience with that. And it’s good that you are health conscious about what you are doing taking care of your health 👍