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Looking to train legs in my home gym and I need some advice.


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So I got barbells and dumbbells w/weights and a squat rack. Leg extensions and leg curls are covered. Calves are fine. One problem: I can’t squat.. Having my arms up behind me like that to hold the bar up fucks with my shoulders. So I can do lunges, goblet squats and front squats. Any other suggestions for legs?
Looks interesting. After all my years of lifting weights this is the first time I’ve seen it. Looks like it’s probably good for the traps as well. Thanks!
Get a belt squat attachment. I also use a weight vest . It's works great if u have some steps .
Get a belt squat attachment. I also use a weight vest . It's works great if u have some steps .
Dude, I was thinking about doing squats with a back pack loaded up but a weight vest would be a better option. Thanks!
Looks interesting. After all my years of lifting weights this is the first time I’ve seen it. Looks like it’s probably good for the traps as well. Thanks!
Yea bro they are really good I saw alpha destiny do it years ago. They kill my quads and traps. I mainly do them cuz I have groin pain on my left side but with these no pain. Lemme know how they work for ya
This is a Captain Obvious response, but it hasn't been mentioned, so I'll be the jack ass to do so. How about all the deadlift variations? One good one that is viewed by most as more of a deadlift, but some say it's more similar to a squat, is the Jefferson Deadlift or say the Jefferson Squat, depending on who you talk to. Kai Greene is known for doing this lift and Kai has some serious wheels.
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