Will this be your first meet? Do you plan to go solo to do the meet, or do you have a coach in mind, or at least do the meet with someone and someone that has experience with competing in a powerlifting meet? Did you get these numbers on cycle or off cycle? If you do a powerlifting meet towards the end of the year, do you want to be on or off cycle? How serious are you about the meet? Is it so you can test the waters and it's not that serious, but you just want to see if you would like it or not? Or are you serious and plan to use support gear, i.e.: suit, wraps, belt, etc. Get your current injuries/pain healed up, i.e.: groin, you're going to need to be able to safely squat heavy coming into a meet, even months out from the meet. This program you posted up, how long are you going to run it for? Your attitude towards doing a meet will dictate your training, mainly to stay safe, not injure yourself and enjoy the experience.
My maxes are 315 for bench
Deficit Deadlift 525
Deadlift 545
Squat 465
P.S.: The one thing about your current training program that jumps out to me that I might change up is "Behind neck press 5x10". I would change those to standard in front of the head Presses for pressing power and shoulder health.