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New cycle/program

I'm right now doing a VERY modest cycle (like a slightly higher than usual TRT) and looking to start an off season cycle around February. Nothing crazy, basics. Test, an anabolic, maybe a DHT based compound, some GH and insulin. Moderate doses and only bumping those when food increases and recovery adjustments and built in deloads stall. Biggest goal is to get as lean as I can prior so I can grow well and become a food processing machine.
Starting an bulking cycle on Jan 1st to kick off the new year!

Test E- 450mg ew, pin Mon/fri wks 1-15
Mast E- 300mg ew, pin mon/Fri wks 1-15
Deca- 300mg ew, pin mon/Fri wks 1-15
NPP- 300mg ew, Mon/wed/fri wks 1-6
Proviron- 25-50mg ed wks 1-15
Cialis- 5mg daily
Anavar- 50mg Ed split in am/pm wks 1-4 & possibly 10-15

Goals is to mass up before spring cutting. I plan to run this in a 400cal excess with a minimum of 220g of protein per day.

Starting out at 5’7, 185. I should have been down to 180 but this holiday season and the recent dog attack on my family and killing 1 of our dogs has not helped.
Just going to continue with my current 300/300 test/primo split with GH and insulin because I'm loving it. I did just place an order for Tadalafil (Cialis) and am going to try that pre workout to see how I like it.
I'm sure some here may have heard about the off-label use of Tadalafil for BPH, or benign prostate hypertrophy (growth we don't want!), which as men (sorry ladies, just us manly men have those prostate thingies) we can use as we advance in age. If you're enhanced, especially using DHT based compounds, you can benefit from the protective benefits for the prostate or what I like to refer to as the "Almond Joy" :D

Let us know how you make out brother. That is unless you're too busy getting busy to actually lift. LOL
I'm sure some here may have heard about the off-label use of Tadalafil for BPH, or benign prostate hypertrophy (growth we don't want!), which as men (sorry ladies, just us manly men have those prostate thingies) we can use as we advance in age. If you're enhanced, especially using DHT based compounds, you can benefit from the protective benefits for the prostate or what I like to refer to as the "Almond Joy" :D

Let us know how you make out brother. That is unless you're too busy getting busy to actually lift. LOL
Haha yeah I've been going down a rabbit hole of trying different ancillaries for various things. Plus everyone seems to be really loving Tadalafil lately and since I'm literally a pump chaser and love trying things with proven health benefits it just seemed like a win win lol.
Haha yeah I've been going down a rabbit hole of trying different ancillaries for various things. Plus everyone seems to be really loving Tadalafil lately and since I'm literally a pump chaser and love trying things with proven health benefits it just seemed like a win win lol.
Pump chaser, rump chaser. All good!
Yes sir! I can't wait, I've just been cruising for almost 5 months now due to a car accident. No serious injuries, but I want to be 110% before I dive back in mid February. Only compounds for the past 5 months have been 200mg Test Cyp weekly and 2iu GH daily . Looking to finish out around 235lbs @ 8-9% BF when I hit the stage. Here's my most current pic tooken this past weekend ✌️Screenshot_20240125_040745_Messages.jpg
Just going to continue with my current 300/300 test/primo split with GH and insulin because I'm loving it. I did just place an order for Tadalafil (Cialis) and am going to try that pre workout to see how I like it.
Cialis pre workout is hands down my favorite, 20-30mgs and I have had some of my best pumps EVER, tack on some sdrol and forget about it! Outta curiosity how you liking the Primo, are you noticing anything at 300mgs? That's one compound I have yet to run simply cause of prices, top guys I chat with would always recommend nothing less than 600mgs primo, and you can see how that could get pricey fairly quickly especially with GH in the mix, I stay on on GH 365 , obviously changing doses through out the year ranging from 2iu upwards to 8iu, sometimes even 10iu. Anyways any feedback on the Primo would be much appreciated, I like to hear first hand accounts, thanks brotha ✌️
Cialis pre workout is hands down my favorite, 20-30mgs and I have had some of my best pumps EVER, tack on some sdrol and forget about it! Outta curiosity how you liking the Primo, are you noticing anything at 300mgs? That's one compound I have yet to run simply cause of prices, top guys I chat with would always recommend nothing less than 600mgs primo, and you can see how that could get pricey fairly quickly especially with GH in the mix, I stay on on GH 365 , obviously changing doses through out the year ranging from 2iu upwards to 8iu, sometimes even 10iu. Anyways any feedback on the Primo would be much appreciated, I like to hear first hand accounts, thanks brotha ✌️
For me I notice a much dryer and vascular effect. I can't really say too much because I have nothing to compare it to other than test. I've never ran any 19 nors before and haven't tried mast yet. But test/primo plus a good dose of GH and slin and you can run low gear and get great results.
Im really considering it this year. Alot my buddies at the gym like to compare to higher doses of Eq. As for Eq at anything over 800mgs I get that really nice shrink wrap look, vascularity is very pronounced, and just an overall 3D look , a nice finished round look, especially in my shoulders and traps. So I'm thinking this year I'm thinking of swapping my EQ with Primo, start at 300 mgs and play with it from there on our. I pretty much run the same cycle every year, it always gives me outstanding results, so I'm really looking forward to seeing my results on Primo this time. My blasts always consist of Test, Tren and Eq. I'll bring in and and out different orals through out the whole time, usually Sdrol, Halo, sometimes Winstrol and Provirin (I respond better to Provirin then Mast).AI's when needed, Adex and Prami. Oh yeah and also GH and slin. I'll drop gh and slin 3 weeks before stage time and slowly introduce a diuretic if need be, I know personally for me if I wanna get into single digit Bf% I need a diuretic. Some guys don't, everyones different. Sorry for railroading your thread @VakarianSK , I appreciate you taking your time to respond, I' m looking forward to giving primo a go this year. Thank you for the first person review brotha ✌️
Im really considering it this year. Alot my buddies at the gym like to compare to higher doses of Eq. As for Eq at anything over 800mgs I get that really nice shrink wrap look, vascularity is very pronounced, and just an overall 3D look , a nice finished round look, especially in my shoulders and traps. So I'm thinking this year I'm thinking of swapping my EQ with Primo, start at 300 mgs and play with it from there on our. I pretty much run the same cycle every year, it always gives me outstanding results, so I'm really looking forward to seeing my results on Primo this time. My blasts always consist of Test, Tren and Eq. I'll bring in and and out different orals through out the whole time, usually Sdrol, Halo, sometimes Winstrol and Provirin (I respond better to Provirin then Mast).AI's when needed, Adex and Prami. Oh yeah and also GH and slin. I'll drop gh and slin 3 weeks before stage time and slowly introduce a diuretic if need be, I know personally for me if I wanna get into single digit Bf% I need a diuretic. Some guys don't, everyones different. Sorry for railroading your thread @VakarianSK , I appreciate you taking your time to respond, I' m looking forward to giving primo a go this year. Thank you for the first person review brotha ✌️
Feel free to reach out anytime 👍.