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Pack landed and cycle started - hell yeah!


Staff member
Reaction score
Test E 500/wk 1-20
Deca 400/wk 1-10 ->500wk 11-20
NPP 100/wk 1-10 ->basically just a kick starter for the nandrolone
Around the end of spring switching to
Tren A 350/wk 21-33
Test P 350/wk 21-33
Mast P 250/wk 21-33
Winstrol 50mg/ed 27-33
HCG 300mg/wk 1-33
Tamoxifen and Aromasin for anti-e throughout, Caber on hand just in case.

And back to TRT 200 TestE /200 primo E per week in the fall, maintain until next winter`s blast.

Cardarine 10mg/ed, throughout cycle, more for HDL support than fat loss but it helps with cardio esp when running Tren.
IGF1-LR3 50mcg/ed x 20 days one month on 6 wks off 3-4 times during the cycle.
Was thinking to run low dose anavar 10-25mg/ed just for collagen uptake, help the joints after I drop the nandrolone.

Any thoughts? Comments?
Brilliant cycle. I am ready for spring when I can start me bigger cycle. Just Test and Deca for me right now.
Brilliant cycle. I am ready for spring when I can start me bigger cycle. Just Test and Deca for me right now.
Yeah, love to start with Test/Deca or NPP. Great for mass, about as healthy as it gets. Leaves your bloods in good shape so I can run the nasty stuff through the summer when it`s tank top season ;)
That’s a killer cycle! The only thing I would add if you have money to burn is good ole HGH. I love the stuff! I do 3ius upon waking and stay fasted. Then another 3ius after weight lifting, before cardio.
That’s a killer cycle! The only thing I would add if you have money to burn is good ole HGH. I love the stuff! I do 3ius upon waking and stay fasted. Then another 3ius after weight lifting, before cardio.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I have some GH on hand, it really just depends on $$, I ran the same cycle last year only with NPP instead of Deca and the Tren/Test/Mast was ethanate plus GH throughout minus the IGF 1. But you are right GH would be the icing on top. For sure I will be watching the sponsor page like a hawk for any GH specials ;)
Currently debating adding 3-4 wks of anadrol, never used it before. Would like to give it a shot before I get too old. Any thoughts?
Currently debating adding 3-4 wks of anadrol, never used it before. Would like to give it a shot before I get too old. Any thoughts?
I found I can’t plan a time length on Anadrol. I use it until I start feeling shitty. At first it feels incredible! I get so confident and strong and pumped and horny. After around a month I usually feel a bit toxic and stop. Anadrol will sometimes make you feel low blood sugar post workout so be prepared to feed. It can make you feel tired but just force yourself to go to the gym because once you start your workout you’ll feel like a beast!!