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Suffered an injury now I have to drop back to trt what's a good add-on


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So I messed up my foot pretty bad been attempting to heal it but had to quit my cycle early and drop back to trt dose 200mg test cypionate a week
Anything special you guys cruise on to help keep gains while off cycle or recommendations
Oh no sorry to hear that bro that sucks. I cruise at 300mg test and I keep most my size and I’m sure someone will chime in on the healing peptides BPC 157 & TB500.
BPC/TB has helped me immensely after I suffered an Achilles tear. Those 2 are practically indispensable for quicker healing after an injury.
Yeah I am already on growth hormone and bpc and TB try to help with the healing process I was just trying to think what everybody else kind of uses and what their thoughts are
I wouldn't have lowered my dose.
I'd probably throw in some anavar and up hgh. AAS increase recovery
exactly what I was thinking. low TRT dosage + low Deca could slightly help too
Possibly..... wouldn't hurt.

I have a 'Total Body Repair ' protocol that I used after two separate foot surgeries.

This a copy and paste where I posted this on another forum. Many have used this protocol with great success......

Here is the protocol that I used after having surgery on my foot. I healed over a month sooner after having the same surgery on the other foot two years prior. My ortho MD was impressed how quickly I recovered. This protocol along with low dose GH......

TB 500 and BPC-157 Cycle for Total Body Repair
This protocol utilizes a total of 55mg TB-500 (11 x 5mg vials) and 20mg BPC 157 (4 x 5mg vials) with a 3 week loading phase followed by a 5 week maintenance phase. Note that the BPC-157 dosage amounts are in micrograms (mcg).

Loading Phase
Week 1 - Week 3:
Monday: TB-500 5mg / BPC-157 500mcg
Tuesday & Wednesday: BPC-157 500mcg
Thursday: TB-500 5mg / BPC-157 500mcg
Friday, Saturday & Sunday: BPC-157 500mcg
Maintenance Phase
Week 4 - Week 8:
Monday: TB-500 2.5mg / BPC-157 250mcg
Tuesday & Wednesday: BPC-157 250mcg
Thursday: TB-500 2.5mg / BPC-157 250mcg
Friday, Saturday & Sunday: BPC-157 250mcg

Loading Phase: In weeks 1 through 3, the total weekly dose of 10mg TB-500 ensures a rapid initial buildup of Thymosin Beta 4 for immediate healing and recovery as well a weekly total dose of 3.5mg (3,500mcg) BPC-157 to further stimulate recovery and provide added support for joint and connective tissue (tendon and ligament) healing.

Maintenance Phase: Week 4 begins the maintenance portion of the Total Body Repair cycle with a total weekly dose of 5mg TB-500 and a weekly total dose of 1.75mg (1,750mcg) BPC-157. This continues through week 8 and the end of the cycle.

Again, this cycle is a guideline based on real world results.

I still use this protocol a couple times a year just as maintenance.
Yeah I am already on growth hormone and bpc and TB try to help with the healing process I was just trying to think what everybody else kind of uses and what their thoughts are
What was the injury to the foot? Bone? Tendon? Ligaments? Nerves? Combination?
I ask because there are different protocols to follow depending on what is damaged.

Additionally, try to get as much blood flow going for the healing. Light cardio work while obviously not stressing the damaged tissues (arm bike, swimming if no open wounds, etc)
What was the injury to the foot? Bone? Tendon? Ligaments? Nerves? Combination?
I ask because there are different protocols to follow depending on what is damaged.

Additionally, try to get as much blood flow going for the healing. Light cardio work while obviously not stressing the damaged tissues (arm bike, swimming if no open wounds, etc)
Well years ago when I was in bad shape I had a diabetic ulcer and they had to amputate bone out of my foot but I got a blister at the gym because now I have balance issues from where they took the bone and the blister caused the Giant open wound not an ulcer but an open wound so I'm still very limited on what I can do I still have blood flow going to my foot so that's the bonus no bone infection but there is cellulitis
so they're helpful?
As for the healing process yes I have noticed the wound has healed way faster than if it was on its own I actually have a healing log on another forum but I don't suggest anybody looking at it it's graphic
Well years ago when I was in bad shape I had a diabetic ulcer and they had to amputate bone out of my foot but I got a blister at the gym because now I have balance issues from where they took the bone and the blister caused the Giant open wound not an ulcer but an open wound so I'm still very limited on what I can do I still have blood flow going to my foot so that's the bonus no bone infection but there is cellulitis
Fuck man, that's a rough one. The body can react differently when it comes to tissue promoting compounds and in unexpected ways.
Honestly, some of the advice might be counter productive because diabetic ulcers are a different animal because of the necrosis.