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Sustanon and Primo structure help


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Hello everyone, I am planning to run my first cycle very soon. I am getting my CMP done tomorrow, and I have Sustanon and Primabolin on hand as well as arimidex.

I need help structuring my cycle. My initial thoughts were 16 week cycle, first 8 weeks on 250 mg Sustanon per week and if everything is well, the last 8 weeks on 500 mg Sustanon and adding some primabolin in. Now I am hearing that primabolin may be good to start with my Sustanon to control my estrogen. Please help a brother out.

If you’re wondering why I am taking Sustanon instead of a single test ester, it’s because pharma grade Sustanon is readily available in the pharmacies that I am located at.

I want to hear your thoughts on how I should or how you would structure your cycle with only Sustanon and Primabolin. Any type of help is fine.
Being that it's your first cycle, your starting off smart with 250 test. If everything thing runs smooth and your making progress, stick with 250, no need to rush. I would then run just 500 on the next cycle, but if you say fuck it, I'm going to 500 after 8 weeks, stick with the test. No need for the Primobolan. Your saying if everything goes fine with 250 test, but then your not giving yourself a chance with 500? And then your going to add another compound? If you get side effects, how do you where it came from. The 500 test or the primo. Plus primo has to run at a moderate dose and it's often faked. So my opinion, run full 16 weeks 250 if making progress, why change, But if going to 500 for second half of cycle, run just the test, save the primo. If all goes well, then next cycle 500 test and primo.
Being that it's your first cycle, your starting off smart with 250 test. If everything thing runs smooth and your making progress, stick with 250, no need to rush. I would then run just 500 on the next cycle, but if you say fuck it, I'm going to 500 after 8 weeks, stick with the test. No need for the Primobolan. Your saying if everything goes fine with 250 test, but then your not giving yourself a chance with 500? And then you’re going to add another compound? If you get side effects, how do you where it came from. The 500 test or the primo. Plus primo has to run at a moderate dose and it's often faked. So my opinion, run full 16 weeks 250 if making progress, why change, But if going to 500 for second half of cycle, run just the test, save the primo. If all goes well, then next cycle 500 test and primo.
Thank you for replying this is good advice. I’m in turkey so I have pharma grade sustanon and primo on hand. I thought that primo could combat some of the high e2 effects and the water retention. I do have arimidex though. Could you give me advice on the protocol for arimidex 1mg. And should I scrap primo? Is it really not worth running it? Or if I plan on running primo should I keep test at 250 and go for a 1:1 ratio.
Thank you for replying this is good advice. I’m in turkey so I have pharma grade sustanon and primo on hand. I thought that primo could combat some of the high e2 effects and the water retention. I do have arimidex though. Could you give me advice on the protocol for arimidex 1mg. And should I scrap primo? Is it really not worth running it? Or if I plan on running primo should I keep test at 250 and go for a 1:1 ratio.
Don't rely on another compound for estrogen control, take the arimidex, that's what it's made for. Not primo. Yes, primo has the potential to lower it, but an AI is specifically made for that. And use it only if you need it, don't just take it. Get your blood work done and see where everything is at at. You don't want to crash your estrogen. If you do use it, 1mg a week split in 2 doses. So half a mg twice a week. And no don't scrap the primo if it's real, and no not 1:1 ratio, treat it the same way as test, always start low and titrate up, that's with everything.
Don't rely on another compound for estrogen control, take the arimidex, that's what it's made for. Not primo. Yes, primo has the potential to lower it, but an AI is specifically made for that. And use it only if you need it, don't just take it. Get your blood work done and see where everything is at at. You don't want to crash your estrogen. If you do use it, 1mg a week split in 2 doses. So half a mg twice a week. And no don't scrap the primo if it's real, and no not 1:1 ratio, treat it the same way as test, always start low and titrate up, that's with everything.
I see. When would you add the primo if you chose to.
Only after you bump up the test to 500mg and ran that without issues and your making progress
And get your blood work done, because if it's fucked I wouldnt be adding anything
Yeah, you better have bloodwork.
what's your age? weight and height? goals?
you also mentioned you have Sust, Primo, and Arimidex, what about PCT meds? or you plan to cruise?