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20 week cycle
540mg Sustanon 270 split into Mon/Wed/Fri
200mg Tren E split into Mon/Thurs
500 mg EQ split into Mon/Thurs
40mcg of Clen ed 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

Been off cycle for almost 4 months now Below are a few pictures of me on a cruise (250 Test E) No diet and training 4 times a week

5'11 200LBS


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Welcome to the family bro! That's a big cycle.

I would suggest changing your username from your email address. You will get a lot of scammers messaging you. Message me and I can do it for you if you want.

Enjoy the site and keep us updated on your progress.
What was your last cycle? I generally recommend you max out on what you’re currently running before adding in more. You look like you’ve got some room to grow on a simple 500mg test cycle.

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I've always felt it to be overrated. I did it one time, second cycle ever. Another example of how everyone is different.
I've always felt it to be overrated. I did it one time, second cycle ever. Another example of how everyone is different.

How frequently where you pinning? Could’ve been due to the shorter esters crashing before your next pin so your estradiol levels kept fluctuating

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I don't remember bro. That was 25yrs ago. Organon amps. That very well may have been eod
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What was your last cycle? I generally recommend you max out on what you’re currently running before adding in more. You look like you’ve got some room to grow on a simple 500mg test cycle.

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My last real cycle was 500 Test 200 Tren 20mg superdrol preworkout
My last real cycle was 500 Test 200 Tren 20mg superdrol preworkout

I’d leave the superdrol,tren,clen alone for now, you can get allot out of some test and mast or EQ looks like you need to rely on a caloric deficit more then Anabolics. Don’t be one of those guys who move up doses to fast just to make barley any progress and waste your cycle.

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I’d either up the tren to 400 or add the eq in at 400. Give yourself some room at grow in the future.

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Haha 400 tren sounds like a nightmare. You think running 200 tren for just a little bit longer than last time would work well?
Haha 400 tren sounds like a nightmare. You think running 200 tren for just a little bit longer than last time would work well?

My general rule is 1 anabolic + 1 androgen + 1 oral. I always max out the results on one compound before raising the dose or adding in a different (or third) compound.

If I was your trainer I’d take you back down to 500 test only for 10-12 weeks to get a baseline - dial in your nutrition and training - and then reevaluate towards the end.

You could also up the test a bit and stay at 2-300 tren and see how that goes. Running it longer is fine too.

Have you run eq before?

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After reading sours input I may just dial my usage back and run test only for a few weeks. Simple cruise. Nice little reboot. Petite had some good input as well. Listen to these guys man. They know what they're talking about.
Haha 400 tren sounds like a nightmare. You think running 200 tren for just a little bit longer than last time would work well?

I’m not a big fan of running tren for long term progression will it work?? Fuck yeah it will but there are better and safer compounds you can run for longer without damaging your health and mental as much as tren. I agree with sour on the 500 test you should recomp and dial in on that for a couple months then I’d personally add in a 1:1 ratio of Masteron it’s extremely mild in side effects but works like a charm, may not be as strong as tren but the trade off is you get to run it longer

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I’m not a big fan of running tren for long term progression will it work?? Fuck yeah it will but there are better and safer compounds you can run for longer without damaging your health and mental as much as tren. I agree with sour on the 500 test you should recomp and dial in on that for a couple months then I’d personally add in a 1:1 ratio of Masteron it’s extremely mild in side effects but works like a charm, may not be as strong as tren but the trade off is you get to run it longer

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Agreed. I’m working with what he posted but I’d also recommend masteron (or nothing) over the eq and tren mentioned. I’m basics person. I don’t like to over complicate things which is what happens in cases like this -

Test - estrogen sides so have to add an ai
Tren - prolactin sides - now caber twice a week
Eq - blood pressure and appetite through the roof. Adding in some cialis to keep the bp down
Liver health from all the compounds - need Tudca or liv52

Next thing you know it’s a 7-10 drug cycle.

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