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Tadalafil vs Sildenafil (Cialis vs Viagra)


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Iv'e been using tadalafil for the past few weeks for both a pre workout pump and blood pressure management. The only negative side effects are a stuffy nose at night which is pretty annoying at times. Iv'e looked into using sildenafil pre workout instead because it has a reduced half life compared to tadalafil, so in theory it could potentially do the same things as tadalafil but in a short window of time (increased nitric oxide and pump/blood pressure management).

Which do you prefer and why? Do you experience any negative side effects like a stuffy nose and if so how long does it last? What is your preferred dose and when do you take it?

I would love to hear from everyone with experience on either or both.
In the beginning, years ago I started out with Viagra, then shortly after tried Cialis. For a period of time, I intermingled the two. Then eventually settled on Cialis exclusively. For me Viagra gives me rock solid performance, yes, pun is intended. But with the stellar performance that Viagra gives comes the unwanted sides as well. With Viagra I get the stuffy nose, headache, acid reflux, very slight diarrhea symptoms and the half-life is pretty short, at least for my liking. I used it back in my player days and along with the Viagra I carried with me Advil, Afrin, Ant-acid tabs and anti-diarrhea tabs. Thank God those days are long gone. To me Viagra is like Tren, turns you into a superhero but with that comes the sides that will make you feel like a miserable evil villain as well. For years now I've exclusively used Cialis, I get zero sides from Cialis, literally nothing, and the half-life is a major bonus. For 4 years now I've taken it pretty much every day for the bedroom, pump and BP mitigation. I started out with 10mg/day for the first couple of years, but for the last couple of years it's been 25mg/day (dose is dictated by the brand that I use). I take it once a day and unlike the Viagra I don't have to worry about the timing of when I take it.

Side note: like everyone else, I use generic and not brand name. I just used brand names because everyone can identify with this and easier to key out. Cheers, Tyler
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In the beginning, years ago I started out with Viagra, then shortly after tried Cialis. For a period of time, I intermingled the two. Then eventually settled on Cialis exclusively. For me Viagra gives me rock solid performance, yes, pun is intended. But with the stellar performance that Viagra gives comes the unwanted sides as well. With Viagra I get the stuffy nose, headache, acid reflux, very slight diarrhea symptoms and the half-life is pretty short, at least for my liking. I used it back in my player days and along with the Viagra I carried with me Advil, Afrin, Ant-acid tabs and anti-diarrhea tabs. Thank God those days are long gone. To me Viagra is like Tren, turns you into a superhero but with that comes the sides that will make you feel like a miserable evil villain as well. For years now I've exclusively used Cialis, I get zero sides from Cialis, literally nothing, and the half-life is a major bonus. For 4 years now I've taken it pretty much every day for the bedroom, pump and BP mitigation. I started out with 10mg/day for the first couple of years, but for the last couple of years it's been 25mg/day (dose is dictated by the brand that I use). I take it once a day and unlike the Viagra I don't have to worry about the timing of when I take it.

Side note: like everyone else, I use generic and not brand name. I just used brand names because everyone can identify with this and easier to key out. Cheers, Tyler
Thanks for the detailed write up. And once a player always a player 😉.

Strangly enough I only really experience the stuffy nose side effect from Cialis at night which is making me think maybe it is not the Cialis. Im going to order some Viagra with my next Cialis order and give it a try. Thanks for letting me know what to look out for side effect wise from the Viagra. Hopefully it is no that bad for me lol.
Thanks for the detailed write up. And once a player always a player 😉.
Yeah, I kind of have it in my blood. I will not cheat on my current girl; we've been together for 3.5 years now. But if my relationship status were to every change, it could be very easy to fall back into that player status, no problem. But I'm not sure I would really want that, being a player is like using Tren, the sides can be worse than it's worth. 😖

Strangly enough I only really experience the stuffy nose side effect from Cialis at night which is making me think maybe it is not the Cialis. Im going to order some Viagra with my next Cialis order and give it a try. Thanks for letting me know what to look out for side effect wise from the Viagra. Hopefully it is no that bad for me lol.
Give it time, after a short period of time with daily use of Cialis, I bet the stuffy nose symptom will disappear. This happens with most including myself.
Yeah, I kind of have it in my blood. I will not cheat on my current girl; we've been together for 3.5 years now. But if my relationship status were to every change, it could be very easy to fall back into that player status, no problem. But I'm not sure I would really want that, being a player is like using Tren, the sides can be worse than it's worth. 😖

Give it time, after a short period of time with daily use of Cialis, I bet the stuffy nose symptom will disappear. This happens with most including myself.
Will stay on it, thanks!
Its Cialis only for me. Much more benefits IMO.

Give it time, after a short period of time with daily use of Cialis, I bet the stuffy nose symptom will disappear. This happens with most including myself.

Same here and like you I take a full dose every day. 30mg and zero side effects. When i first started the stuffy nose was horrible and I am glad I am over that. Even if I am working on the road and forget it for a week as soon as i take it still zero sides.
I take 5mg of cialis daily. For sexy time I may take 10-15mg cialis or 50-75mg of viagra.

Anything over 15mg cialis or 75mg viagra I get the congestion and a headache.

I don’t need either but I m done with the natty reality and will always be performance enhanced.
I like and is cialis. I use 5mg daily like many. I like taking 10-20mg prior to sex. I don’t need it but by night right.
Viagra gives me a headache.
Be careful i ran cialis at high dose for long periods and eventually it gave me really bad gerd. i have found using 5-10 mg ed so be best. No gerd and no congestion if i keep it 5-10 mg
Be careful i ran cialis at high dose for long periods and eventually it gave me really bad gerd. i have found using 5-10 mg ed so be best. No gerd and no congestion if i keep it 5-10 mg
That's what I am doing. 10mg ed split 5mg before first workout and 5mg before second.
Be careful i ran cialis at high dose for long periods and eventually it gave me really bad gerd. i have found using 5-10 mg ed so be best. No gerd and no congestion if i keep it 5-10 mg
Interesting, I had to Google GERD to know what it is. I've never experienced this with Cialis, but as we know everyone can be affected a little differently than the next. I started out at 10mg/day with Cialis and then raised it to 20mg/day for a couple of years and now I'm at 25mg/day without any sides. Only reason for 25mg/day is the brand I've been using for the last year and a half only comes in 25mg tabs.
Has anybody ever had the blue-tinted vision while taking Viagra? That with the stopped-up nose made me stop
taking it. I've never had any side effects with Cialis.
No, never had the vision issues with Viagra, but definitely pretty much all the other common sides that V can give you. Viagra can give a serious pump, but when you're faced with dealing with the sides while trying to complete your mission, that can be distracting and sucks. The pump from Cialis can be just a tad less, but like you, I don't have any sides with Cialis and can stay fully immersed with the task at hand.
No, never had the vision issues with Viagra, but definitely pretty much all the other common sides that V can give you. Viagra can give a serious pump, but when you're faced with dealing with the sides while trying to complete your mission, that can be distracting and sucks. The pump from Cialis can be just a tad less, but like you, I don't have any sides with Cialis and can stay fully immersed with the task at hand.
Totally agree, Cialis at 20mg 1 hr before workout or I'm ready to lay a female out is hands downs my go to unless I'm running Tri-Mix or Edex, which is a whole other level. With intracavernal meds I'm gonna change 5 individuals life, idk what anyone says, but that's the god honest truth
If you want tickets hmu 862-391-1697
Tri-Mix or Edex, which is a whole other level. With intracavernal meds I'm gonna change 5 individuals life, idk what anyone says, but that's the god honest truth
If you want tickets hmu 862-391-1697
Man, I cringe every time I think about doing an intracavernous injection. But you're right, Tri-Mix, Edex, Caverject are on a whole other level, but then I have to be on a whole other mental level to even step up to the plate to use any one of these intracavernosal meds. But if I'm ever in this situation where an intracavernosal med is needed, I know for a fact it's going to be beyond a good time and yes, women can get ruined. From that point on she will never settle for less. 😲😵‍💫
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ill help explain the side in an easy to understand way for everyone

-the reason they can cause diarrhea and or upset stomach is because it can increase the blood flow to the digestive system and stimulate an off set of gut motility, gut movement, bacteria and just an over all disruption of your natural balance

-the reason you get heartburn is because again just like it fucks with the gut and its smooth muscle tissue it continues this up at the esophagus and relaxes it so the acid is free to flow back up instead of holding it down like normal. normally your lower esophageal sphincter constricts and keeps it closed

-stuffy nose is from the blood vessels widening and increasing nitric oxide

-headaches are from the blood vessels widening and causing a rush of blood to the head.

i too get these from either one, stuffy nose, headache, acid reflux, diarrhea when used daily at a higher dosage. so taking prilosec, drinking water, and fiber helps. but when i do every other day at a lower dosage i prefer cialis because it last more then a day with it's long half live. so to combat sides lower the dosage and don't take daily

Yeah, I kind of have it in my blood. I will not cheat on my current girl; we've been together for 3.5 years now. But if my relationship status were to every change, it could be very easy to fall back into that player status, no problem. But I'm not sure I would really want that, being a player is like using Tren, the sides can be worse than it's worth. 😖

Give it time, after a short period of time with daily use of Cialis, I bet the stuffy nose symptom will disappear. This happens with most including myself.
Gotta give a little to get a little in the playas life!
Man, I cringe every time I think about doing an intracavernous injection. But you're right, Tri-Mix, Edex, Caverject are on a whole other level, but then I have to be on a whole other mental level to even step up to the plate to use any one of these intracavernosal meds. But if I'm ever in this situation where an intracavernosal med is needed, I know for a fact it's going to be beyond a good time and yes, women can get ruined. From that point on she will never settle for less. 😲😵‍💫
That's the absolute truth, intracavernal meds are like fly traps for woman, and tbh . 5" 31g slin pins for admin are virtually painless, I guess I used em so much that it really doesn't bother me whatsoever. I remember when I first started these meds I would use a 5/16” and sometimes it wouldn't be deep enough, so it turned out to be more or less a skin pop , and that was more painful by any means rather than using a . 5" that actually penetrated the cavernal vein where the med needs to be.
That's the absolute truth, intracavernal meds are like fly traps for woman, and tbh . 5" 31g slin pins for admin are virtually painless, I guess I used em so much that it really doesn't bother me whatsoever. I remember when I first started these meds I would use a 5/16” and sometimes it wouldn't be deep enough, so it turned out to be more or less a skin pop , and that was more painful by any means rather than using a . 5" that actually penetrated the cavernal vein where the med needs to be.
My standard slin pin that I keep on hand for other uses is 0.5" 28g, I guess I could pick up a box of 31g, but then I just don't need to be using intracavernal meds right now.
Interesting, I had to Google GERD to know what it is. I've never experienced this with Cialis, but as we know everyone can be affected a little differently than the next. I started out at 10mg/day with Cialis and then raised it to 20mg/day for a couple of years and now I'm at 25mg/day without any sides. Only reason for 25mg/day is the brand I've been using for the last year and a half only comes in 25mg tabs.
Over time i built a tolerance and had to keep doing more and more. i was up to 20-25 mg 3-4 times each week before it hit me and even at that dose it took a while. It was bad enough though that now i just do not do it much.