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Test enanthate now gives a red hot lump after every injection, no matter what brand I use. Never used to before


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So I’ve been using testosterone enanthate for about 20 years. On and off in the beginning but now I’m TRT for life. Testosterone Enanthate used to never give me problems, no swelling, no redness, no PIP. But these last few years I’ve noticed after every Test E injection, I get a red hot swollen lump at the injection site. No matter what brand and concentration I use. Has anyone else ever experienced this and maybe have some knowledge about it? Could I be developing an allergy to that ester?
My best guess would be scar tissue build up, over time you will build scar tissue in places you frequently inject this can cause your drugs to not fully absorb or absorb slower. You could also be piercing the needle directly into scar tissue causing a fuck ton of pain. Is there ever a crunching sound when you pierce yourself??

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My best guess would be scar tissue build up, over time you will build scar tissue in places you frequently inject this can cause your drugs to not fully absorb or absorb slower. You could also be piercing the needle directly into scar tissue causing a fuck ton of pain. Is there ever a crunching sound when you pierce yourself??

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No sound that I’ve ever noticed but sometimes like a tissue ripping kinda feeling when pushing needle in. And it’s mainly in my glutes where I most definitely use the most. I’ve switched to shorter pins, 1/2in length to try and cut down on scar tissue over time. But test E seems to cause it more than anything.
It’s called the crunchies, like a crunch feeling when he stick the needle in definitely scar tissue. And you possibly could be allergic to Enanthate have you tried Cyp? How does that go for you?
I was going to say the same thing. Stop pinning the same spots, you'll know when your pinning scar tissue, it will make a crackling sound, like potato chips, not good, been there, it won't absorb and will knot, I've done a better job of rotating over the years, I inject 6 days a week.. I'm a rear delt left, rear delt right, side left, side right, right trap, left trap. I can never use a 1/2 in, I used to use an inch and a half in my glutes, but I use an inch at all times.
agreed with the rest. you should change spots and see if the same happens. also, try switching to cyp
I switch up my spots every injection, glutes, delts, and quads. Might try switching to cyp soon, I just wish they made higher concentrations of it than 200mg. I use to use cyp when I first started taking test, but I just felt I responded better to enanthate
I switch up my spots every injection, glutes, delts, and quads. Might try switching to cyp soon, I just wish they made higher concentrations of it than 200mg. I use to use cyp when I first started taking test, but I just felt I responded better to enanthate
Test is test and enanthate and cyp are very similar but if thats the way you feell then whatever floats your boat..
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This is the 700mg a week of tren guy. I don't think he knows what he's doing. I have an idea, give up the life dude. You're gonna end up killing yourself. He can't even handle the test he's got but wants higher than 200mg lol. This dude is a joker.
This is the 700mg a week of tren guy. I don't think he knows what he's doing. I have an idea, give up the life dude. You're gonna end up killing yourself. He can't even handle the test he's got but wants higher than 200mg lol. This dude is a joker.
I’m pretty sure you were warned about this once already by the mods back in June and told to stop immediately or you would be banned….yet here you still are going on about this. You just don’t learn do you.
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I just wish they made higher concentrations of it than 200mg. I use to use cyp when I first started taking test, but I just felt I responded better to enanthate
we have 250 mg concentrations if you're interested.
there are also higher concentrations, but those are already blends (different esters).
I’m pretty sure you were warned about this once already by the mods back in June and told to stop immediately or you would be banned….yet here you still are going on about this. You just don’t learn do you.
They can ban me, I don't give a shit. The fact still remains that you're not cut out for this life. It's people like you who give the life a bad rep.
Musclemommy said you need supervision lol
Musclemommy is a her, stupid. Hence the word 'mommy' and this is why you need supervision. Give up the life before you kill yourself.
Who hurt you bro? Lol… is that it? Someone had an opinion that differed from yours back in June and here you are still crying about it. You need a hug? Need some tissues? You want me to start acting scared of you in public and following you around as a yes man to make you feel better about yourself? Or would you rather just keep crying and whining and sounding like a little baby? Like give it up, you are not that important. You don’t matter more than anyone else. I just live rent free up in your head, and it’s not that important.
Youre dangerous. You need to log off and never pick up another aas again. Has nothing to do with any of that rhetoric you just typed. You're an idiot and have no business in this life. Now you can't even shoot test right. First the tren now basic test? It is important. You're glorifying stupid actions. STUPID
Sounds like you need a nap little boy. Those tantrums really take it out of you
why do I get the feeling you were looking at yourself in the mirror as you typed that lol