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Trestolone Ace Ment


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I been reading up on Ment and this product definitely looks like it’s very powerful but also at the same time read some negative things about it, Any one on here have experience with Ment and what are your thoughts?
The closest thing I can compare it to is dbol. Its good for strength. The fast size is simply water retention. It's not normal estrogen it converts to i believe methylestrogen so it's extra potent.
With the water retention comes what you absolutely do not want which is elevated blood pressure which is what causes kidney damage and heart problems.
I do not believe it has any place in bodybuilding. For something like powerlifting it might work pretty well unless you had to keep weight down for a weight class.
I do rank it as an actual feel good compound. It made me very patient and calm and gave me a great sense of well being. It is probably the most powerful injectable estered steroid.
If you do run it i would not run it with any aromatizing compound and start very low like 5mg a day.