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What are you thankful for


EL SuperMod
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Happy Thanksgiving SteroidFreaks! I am thankful for my family and friends my job, everything in my life 🙏 Especially the forum community’s and the sponsors/suppliers. Thankful to have these boards to share our lifestyle 💪
God above all. As well as my recovery and health . I’ve faced a lot in the past year from back surgery to acl/mcl replacement. To be able to continue my path to being in decent shape again and have so much more mobility. I know there are many men and women in worse shape that I am and I am thankful it could always be worse
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thankful for my family. That includes everyone on here.
All thanks go to God.
Of course I’m thankful for my family, the various pets that we’ve had through the years, all my friends over the years, etc.

One more thing that I’m super thankful for is I’m thankful for all the fitness and bodybuilding people in the 1950s 1960s 1970s and 1980s who popularized bodybuilding and fitness industry in general. I can’t imagine what a slob I might be in my mid-50s if I didn’t have this bodybuilding background. Instead of being a slob I weigh 220 at 5’10”, my cholesterol is just fine, my body feels strong and when the lighting is just right I even have abs (ok just barely but you get the picture). Either that or maybe I’m so fat that I can’t even see my feet. So yeah! Thank you to all those guys back before bodybuilding was popular, back when bodybuilding was a fringe sport, thank you to all you guys for staying the course so the rest of us could follow!