@BodyfitnessEU, welcome to the forum. Where to start here, how about some stats: height, weight, body fat %, etc. How long have you been training and what are your goals? Have you done a show yet? Can you provide the doses that your coach had you doing for each compound that you mentioned, plus, total of all compounds for each cycle. Also, if you could provide the doses for each compound and total for 3rd up coming cycle. How long are you running these cycles? What's your diet plan look like?
First thing that sticks out is the use of multiple compounds when you have no idea what each one will do for you specifically. The other is, in my mind, these cycles are pre-contest cycles meant to be used short term coming into a show, not necessarily to be used for a full-blown off-season cycle.
There is a lot of missing information here that will be helpful to know to help you out with your questions and guide you in the right direction. As for your specific question, I would choose one of the three compounds mentioned and run it by itself to see how it works for you. You've already run oxandrolone so you have an idea about this compound. Be careful with Turinabol
, it's not as mild as people think, at a high enough dose, or in combination with other compounds it can still give you virilization side effects. Personally, I would go with injectable Primo E by itself and see what results you get from it. Along with the Var (oxandrolone), Primobolan is the mildest compound that you have mentioned when it comes to avoiding side effects. Plus, Primobolan is the number one injectable compound to use for women looking for results with the least amount of potential side effects.
Remember, ultimately you're in control of your own health and well-being, not your coach. If it doesn't sound right or feel right it's your right to tell your coach you don't like it and don't want to do it. If the coach gets upset or mad maybe a new coach is in order. It would benefit you to research and read up on these compounds your coach is having you use so you know for yourself how each one works in the body and which ones are best for women to use and when to use them, say pre-contest or off-season. Plus, if you know what side effects to look out for you can be prepared ahead of time to know how to prevent or catch an onset of a side effect so as to not be adversely affected by it. Cheers, Tyler