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Women cycle ox+primo+tbol

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Hi! I am 17yo woman bodybuilder and my trainer suggested to me a new cycle (this will be my 3rd- in my first cycle I had Ox, Clen and Winstrol - no problem. In my second cycle I had Ox, Clen, Winstrol and Masteron - there were a little bit of side effect - acne and hair loss). He want me to take oxandrolone, primobolan and turinabol. What do you think about this combination? And do you have some interesting informations about this substances? Maybe some experiences? I don't want to end up completely looking like a man and I want to keep my health. Thank you for answers 😀
Hello @BodyfitnessEU, welcome to the forum. Where to start here, how about some stats: height, weight, body fat %, etc. How long have you been training and what are your goals? Have you done a show yet? Can you provide the doses that your coach had you doing for each compound that you mentioned, plus, total of all compounds for each cycle. Also, if you could provide the doses for each compound and total for 3rd up coming cycle. How long are you running these cycles? What's your diet plan look like?

First thing that sticks out is the use of multiple compounds when you have no idea what each one will do for you specifically. The other is, in my mind, these cycles are pre-contest cycles meant to be used short term coming into a show, not necessarily to be used for a full-blown off-season cycle.

There is a lot of missing information here that will be helpful to know to help you out with your questions and guide you in the right direction. As for your specific question, I would choose one of the three compounds mentioned and run it by itself to see how it works for you. You've already run oxandrolone so you have an idea about this compound. Be careful with Turinabol, it's not as mild as people think, at a high enough dose, or in combination with other compounds it can still give you virilization side effects. Personally, I would go with injectable Primo E by itself and see what results you get from it. Along with the Var (oxandrolone), Primobolan is the mildest compound that you have mentioned when it comes to avoiding side effects. Plus, Primobolan is the number one injectable compound to use for women looking for results with the least amount of potential side effects.

Remember, ultimately you're in control of your own health and well-being, not your coach. If it doesn't sound right or feel right it's your right to tell your coach you don't like it and don't want to do it. If the coach gets upset or mad maybe a new coach is in order. It would benefit you to research and read up on these compounds your coach is having you use so you know for yourself how each one works in the body and which ones are best for women to use and when to use them, say pre-contest or off-season. Plus, if you know what side effects to look out for you can be prepared ahead of time to know how to prevent or catch an onset of a side effect so as to not be adversely affected by it. Cheers, Tyler
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Hello @BodyfitnessEU, welcome to the forum. Where to start here, how about some stats: height, weight, body fat %, etc. How long have you been training and what are your goals? Have you done a show yet? Can you provide the doses that your coach had you doing for each compound that you mentioned, plus, total of all compounds for each cycle. Also, if you could provide the doses for each compound and total for 3rd up coming cycle. How long are you running these cycles? What's your diet plan look like?

First thing that sticks out is the use of multiple compounds when you have no idea what each one will do for you specifically. The other is, in my mind, these cycles are pre-contest cycles meant to be used short term coming into a show, not necessarily to be used for a full-blown off-season cycle.

There is a lot of missing information here that will be helpful to know to help you out with your questions and guide you in the right direction. As for your specific question, I would choose one of the three compounds mentioned and run it by itself to see how it works for you. You've already run oxandrolone so you have an idea about this compound. Be careful with Turinabol, it's not as mild as people think, at a high enough dose, or in combination with other compounds it can still give you virilization side effects. Personally, I would go with injectable Primo E by itself and see what results you get from it. Along with the Var (oxandrolone), Primobolan is the mildest compound that you have mentioned when it comes to avoiding side effects. Plus, Primobolan is the number one injectable compound to use for women looking for results with the least amount of potential side effects.

Remember, ultimately you're in control of your own health and well-being, not your coach. If it doesn't sound right or feel right it's your right to tell your coach you don't like it and don't want to do it. If the coach gets upset or mad maybe a new coach is in order. It would benefit you to research and read up on these compounds your coach is having you use so you know for yourself how each one works in the body and which ones are best for women to use and when to use them, say pre-contest or off-season. Plus, if you know what side effects to look out for you can be prepared ahead of time to know how to prevent or catch an onset of a side effect so as to not be adversely affected by it. Cheers, Tyler
I am 165cm high and my weight is 65kg. I have 2 seasons behind me in Bikini Fitness but I have better proportions for bodyfitness so next spring season I will compete in it. I am in my bulking phase. I wouldn't go across 100mg of Tbol a week. On Ox my highest dosage was 15mg a day, now it will be probably the same. And on primo I would be on 100mg a week.
I am aware of it's risks but I just want to know somebody's experiences. I don't want to use it until I know everything about it. So I am just trying to learn some new informations that isn't available.
I belive in my coach. We discuss everything together. That's why I want to know about what I am using.
Welcome to the freak little sister . I would advise not to run this gear at this point in your life . But if your set on doing so anyways . I'd just run var and primo for right now . Save the tbol for later on when u have more experience .
That would be my advice
my first cycle I had Ox, Clen and Winstrol - no problem. In my second cycle I had Ox, Clen, Winstrol and Masteron - there were a little bit of side effect - acne and hair loss
How much background knowledge do you have in the substances you are using?

  • Oxandrolone (Anavar) is a synthetic androstane steroid and a 17α-alkylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • Stanozolol (Winstrol) is a synthetic 17α-alkylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) is a 2α-Methyl-4,5α-dihydrotestosterone 17β-propionate, is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • Metenolone enanthate, or metenolone or methenolone acetate (tabs) (Primobolan Depot or Primobolan tabs) 17β-enanthate, is a synthetic androstane steroid and a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

You are using three, soon to be four DHT derivatives.

Without getting into too much mombo jumbo about synthetic AAS chemistry and derivatives, all anabolic/androgenic steroids are preparations containing one of the three natural steroid hormones, or one of their chemically altered derivatives:
  • Testosterone and its derivatives.
  • Dihydrotestosterone and its derivatives.
  • Nandrolone and its derivatives.
Here is a little info about DHT from William Llewellyn's ANABOLICS, 11th ed.

"Acne, for example, is often triggered by dihydrotestosterone activity in the sebaceous glands, and the local formation of dihydrotestosterone in the scalp is typically blamed for triggering male pattern hair loss. You should know that it is a terrible misconception among bodybuilders that dihydrotestosterone is an isolated culprit when it comes to these side effects. All anabolic/androgenic steroids exert their activities, both anabolic and androgenic, through the same cellular androgen receptor. Dihydrotestosterone is no different than any other steroid except that it is a more potent activator of this receptor than most, and can be formed locally in certain androgen-sensitive tissues. All steroids can cause androgenic side effects in direct relation to their affinity for this receptor, and DHT has no known unique ability in this regard."

For those of use that are citation freaks..
Llewellyn, W. (2016). William Llewellyn’s Anabolics (11th ed.). Molecular Nutrition, LLC.
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I am 17yo woman bodybuilder
Have you tried any SARMs like Ostarine (MK-2866)?
I know a lot of women and men that use this to harden up and perform.
I can tell you from personal experience that it works. AAS work way better, but they have far more side effects.

I caution you on continuing AAS and would suggest waiting until you are a few years older, as I would for anyone under 25 years old.
However, I am not a hypocrite, since my first experience with AAS was at 17. I will tell you that I wish I would have waited longer.
AAS affect receptors in the whole body and brain, and they come with a myriad of effects.. positive and negative.
I'd just run var and primo for right now .

This is my advice as well; var or primo, or var and primo. Like @Dr. Phildo has pointed out, way to many DHT's floating around in this thread for a newer to the game, up and coming female competitor. This young lady has two cycles under her belt and prepping for her third through her coach, who she trust in. Great advice and great job laying it out. But I would say the best advice for her, which everyone who has posted in this thread has pointed out, @BodyfitnessEU needs to educate herself about the compounds she's putting into her body. Blindly relying on a coach to know isn't the smartest thing to do. As everyone has demonstrated, being self-educated goes a long way to knowing what you're putting into your body, how these compounds interact with each other and making smart decisions with how to properly utilize these compounds. By the wording of her posts, I don't think she's going to stop cycling at this moment.
way to many DHT's floating around in this thread for a newer to the game, up and coming female competitor
I don't think she's going to stop cycling at this moment.
Blindly relying on a coach to know isn't the smartest thing to do.
I feel the same way.

@BodyfitnessEU, don't take any of our conversations or comments as criticism.
We are here to help you learn from our real life experiences and knowledge.

I also apologize in advance for hijacking your thread.

I've been an on-and-off AAS lifer since I was 17 years old.. That's +30 years.. Damn I'm old.

Once you get started down this path the words of Winston ring true.. "You dip so much as a pinky back into this pond... you may well find something reaches out... and drags you back into its depths."

Keanu Reeves Enjoy GIF by John Wick: Chapter 4
I feel the same way.

@BodyfitnessEU, don't take any of our conversations or comments as criticism.
We are here to help you learn from our real life experiences and knowledge.

I also apologize in advance for hijacking your thread.

I've been an on-and-off AAS lifer since I was 17 years old.. That's +30 years.. Damn I'm old.

Once you get started down this path the words of Winston ring true.. "You dip so much as a pinky back into this pond... you may well find something reaches out... and drags you back into its depths."

Keanu Reeves Enjoy GIF by John Wick: Chapter 4
Old lol !!!
Fire his ass now !!!
Like we've stated, that's a whole lotta DHTs for someone to recommend to a 17 year old female fitness competitor that wants to stay a female fitness competitor.

It's definitely not her fault and she came to learn.
Like we've stated, that's a whole lotta DHTs for someone to recommend to a 17 year old female fitness competitor that wants to stay a female fitness competitor.

It's definitely not her fault and she came to learn.
☝️ 💯 on point, this says it all in a nut shell.
Like we've stated, that's a whole lotta DHTs for someone to recommend to a 17 year old female fitness competitor that wants to stay a female fitness competitor.

It's definitely not her fault and she came to learn.
I didn't say that at all. Somebody needs to take that coach out back and teach him a lesson
I didn't say that at all. Somebody needs to take that coach out back and teach him a lesson
I was pointing out that it wasn't her fault, not suggesting you meant that it was, but I can see how it could be taken that way how I wrote it. 😉
17??? Oh boy. Yeah your 'coach' may not be steering you in the right direction. 17?? Sheesh. I'm gonna dip in then dip out...young lady, please do yourself a favor and stay completely away from peds. Take care. Good luck.
This site is for adults 21 years and older. This account has been removed. It is not safe or healthy to recommend advice to anyone younger than that, it is irresponsible, and we will not be a part of that. Stay young and healthy. Your body does not need anything other than what it is naturally producing. Take care.
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