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HCG and HMG in Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) for Men: A Comparative Analysis


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Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is a critical phase for men engaged in anabolic steroid cycles, aiming to restore endogenous testosterone production and mitigate potential side effects. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG) are two hormonal interventions often considered in PCT strategies, yet they differ significantly in their compositions, mechanisms of action, and applications in the context of restoring hormonal balance.

1. Composition:
- HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): HCG is a glycoprotein hormone composed of alpha and beta subunits. Its structure is similar to the luteinizing hormone (LH), and it mimics LH's action in the body. In PCT, HCG is used to simulate the effects of LH, thereby encouraging the testes to produce testosterone.

- HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin): HMG, on the other hand, is a combination of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Its unique composition makes it more comprehensive in its approach, addressing both the follicular and testicular aspects of hormonal balance.

2. Mechanism of Action:
- HCG primarily acts as an LH analogue, binding to the LH receptors in the testes and stimulating the production of testosterone. This is crucial in preventing testicular atrophy during and after anabolic steroid use.

- HMG, with its dual FSH and LH components, provides a more nuanced approach. FSH stimulates the development of sperm in the testes, complementing the LH-like activity that encourages testosterone production. This dual action makes HMG potentially more comprehensive in restoring overall reproductive function.

3. Clinical Applications:
In PCT, HCG is often used to kickstart testosterone production. Its LH-mimicking action prevents testicular atrophy and maintains the functionality of Leydig cells, supporting a smoother transition after the cessation of anabolic steroid use.

- HMG: While less commonly used in PCT compared to HCG, HMG may offer advantages due to its dual FSH and LH activity. It addresses both spermatogenesis and testosterone production, potentially providing a more holistic approach to hormonal recovery.

4. Use in Combination:
- HCG: It is often used in conjunction with other medications, such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like tamoxifen or clomiphene, to optimize the recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.

- HMG: Some protocols incorporate HMG in combination with HCG to leverage the benefits of both FSH and LH activities, aiming for a more comprehensive recovery of both spermatogenesis and testosterone production.

In conclusion, while both HCG and HMG can be considered in PCT for men, the choice often depends on individual circumstances and preferences. HCG is a more common and straightforward option, primarily focusing on testosterone production, while HMG, with its dual FSH and LH action, provides a potentially more comprehensive approach to addressing both testicular and spermatogenic aspects of hormonal recovery. The decision on which to use or whether to combine them depends on the specific goals and responses of individuals undergoing post-cycle therapy.
I have run hCG at about 300 to 500 per week for the last 15 or so cycles. I definitely recommend running it with your cycle it will make your PCT so much easier.
I have run hCG at about 300 to 500 per week for the last 15 or so cycles. I definitely recommend running it with your cycle it will make your PCT so much easier.

I am on full time blast and cruise and I still use HCG. It makes me feel better overall.
I am on full time blast and cruise and I still use HCG. It makes me feel better overall.
Yeah, exactly this. Not only do you feel better physically but also to be perfectly honest emotionally. Not like I cry or anything but when you’re around week 16 and you notice a little bit of shrinkage down below you find yourself really worrying “are they going to come back during my PCT?“ Whereas if you stay on HCG You are just plump and full downstairs all cycle long add no worries.
Funny story, one time I forgot that I took my HCG on Monday and took it again on Thursday.

Talk about two plump and two full! My nuts were hard as a rock in about the size of golf balls. It fucking hurt! Live and learn I guess.
Same here, I run HCG at 1000iu's/wk the whole time while I'm on. When I was younger I didn't matter, but now a days it does make a difference with my overall feeling of wellbeing.
Funny story, one time I forgot that I took my HCG on Monday and took it again on Thursday.

Talk about two plump and two full! My nuts were hard as a rock in about the size of golf balls. It fucking hurt! Live and learn I guess.
I did this once and not by accident. Back in my player days, was experimenting with PEDS specifically for enhanced bedroom performance. One weekend starting on a Thursday did multiple doses of HCG into Saturday titrating up. Can't remember the exact dose total but it was somewhere up around 2500, possibly even higher. When the HCG finally kicked in my balls swelled up like hard coconuts and I had a serious case of blueballs. Needless to say I never repeated that again.
I also did a 2500i.u. from one shot....
I thought that it was underdosed after doing multiple shots during a week before...

So I had, at least 2500 from the previous build-up + the 2500...of course this is only supositioning as the gear wasn't pharma grade

Imagine what happened after also taking 20mg of Cialis....
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I also did a 2500i.u. from one shot....
I thought that it was underdosed after doing multiple shots during a week before...

So I had, at least 2500 from the previous build-up + the 2500...of course this is only supositioning as the gear wasn't pharma grade

Imagine what happened after also taking 20mg of Cialis....
Damn, brother, I can't imagine what that felt like. 😱 I guess it can take up to two days for HCG to build up in its effectiveness in the body and I found this out the painful way, lol. 😩
My last PCT worked out fairly well, but I only come off a month at a time.
Week 1: I ran 500ius eod my on my last week of test with .5mg anastrozole eod & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 2: I ran 500ius eod with gonadorelin 100mcgs on the opposing days .5mg anastrozole eod & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 3: 50mg clomid & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 4: 25mg clomid & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 5: Back on test baby!
My last PCT worked out fairly well, but I only come off a month at a time.
Week 1: I ran 500ius eod my on my last week of test with .5mg anastrozole eod & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 2: I ran 500ius eod with gonadorelin 100mcgs on the opposing days .5mg anastrozole eod & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 3: 50mg clomid & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 4: 25mg clomid & 20 mg of tamoxifen per day
Week 5: Back on test baby!
Curious @Dr. Phildo, what's your philosophy or reasoning for running a PCT like this? It's pretty much a bridge. Why not just cruise on low dose Test? A lot going on there to then jump right back on Test in 4 weeks.
Curious @Dr. Phildo, what's your philosophy or reasoning for running a PCT like this? It's pretty much a bridge. Why not just cruise on low dose Test? A lot going on there to then jump right back on Test in 4 weeks.
Honestly, my unproven and unscientific hypothesis, is to jump start the anterior pituitary for a short time. Kind of like how we kick start the nads with hCG mimicking LH.
I figure waking up something here and there is better than letting it stay dormant and not knowing what to expect in a worse case scenario and you need the HTPA up and somewhat running (unavailability of TRT, a disaster, civil war, alien attack, rapture, Gen Z running the nation, man-bear-pig...😁)
Honestly, my unproven and unscientific hypothesis, is to jump start the anterior pituitary for a short time. Kind of like how we kick start the nads with hCG mimicking LH.
I figure waking up something here and there is better than letting it stay dormant and not knowing what to expect in a worse case scenario and you need the HTPA up and somewhat running (unavailability of TRT, a disaster, civil war, alien attack, rapture, Gen Z running the nation, man-bear-pig...😁)
Got it, I can see your reasoning behind the method to your madness. I do the same thing about once a year. I do it just to take a complete break from everything and let my body settle into it's own natural state of functioning. I really don't care where my numbers are via bloodwork, I never feel like shit, just settled from not having my hormones elevated from the year long run.
Got it, I can see your reasoning behind the method to your madness. I do the same thing about once a year. I do it just to take a complete break from everything and let my body settle into it's own natural state of functioning. I really don't care where my numbers are via bloodwork, I never feel like shit, just settled from not having my hormones elevated from the year long run.
Hmg actually has hcg in it so no reason to run both and running either during pct is counterproductive. Either us a great addition to any cycle to continue endogenous testosterone production during the administration of exogenous androgens
Honestly, my unproven and unscientific hypothesis, is to jump start the anterior pituitary for a short time. Kind of like how we kick start the nads with hCG mimicking LH.
I figure waking up something here and there is better than letting it stay dormant and not knowing what to expect in a worse case scenario and you need the HTPA up and somewhat running (unavailability of TRT, a disaster, civil war, alien attack, rapture, Gen Z running the nation, man-bear-pig...)

Your pituitary is the first thing to recover signaling lh production and yeah it’s good to come off and recover if you are administration either hcg or hmg during your cycle recovery will be much smoother as restarting the testies takes the longest but in all fairness I had to come of exogenous androgen not long ago, I had been on for 15 years. Came off cold turkey literally no pct and I recovered to baseline levels after 90 days. I was shocked
I had been on for 15 years. Came off cold turkey literally no pct and I recovered to baseline levels after 90 days. I was shocked
That's great to hear. Shows resilience 👍
I rebound well, never any issues whether I do a PCT or not. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing a PCT and still no issues. I come off for a short break most years but not always. I'm sure at some point in my life things may change, but all good for now.
That's great to hear. Shows resilience
I rebound well, never any issues whether I do a PCT or not. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing a PCT and still no issues. I come off for a short break most years but not always. I'm sure at some point in my life things may change, but all good for now.

Honestly if you run hcg or hmg during your cycle the only thing I would worry about during recovery is protecting the mammary gland. I was truly shocked tho after being on cruise and blast for 15 years how easy recovery really was. I kept thinking I have to crash soon but I really never did.
Honestly if you run hcg or hmg during your cycle the only thing I would worry about during recovery is protecting the mammary gland. I was truly shocked tho after being on cruise and blast for 15 years how easy recovery really was. I kept thinking I have to crash soon but I really never did.
Very good, great to know. Thanks for your input, you've been around the block more than once. Now a days I always run HCG during my runs. HCG does improve my overall well-being while on gear. For a very long time I didn't need to run HCG, but a couple of years back I noticed I felt off when running gear and decided to introduce HCG back into the mix and it fixed everything. So all good now, and coming off is never a problem. 👌😎👍
Your pituitary is the first thing to recover signaling lh production and yeah it’s good to come off and recover if you are administration either hcg or hmg during your cycle recovery will be much smoother as restarting the testies takes the longest but in all fairness I had to come of exogenous androgen not long ago, I had been on for 15 years. Came off cold turkey literally no pct and I recovered to baseline levels after 90 days. I was shocked
It seems that I get a decent bounce back when I come off.
I plan on an extended break in a few months and then normal TRT.
My issue with not checking my hormone levels when I come off, is that I get my TRT from my PCP.
PCPs are not that knowledgeable when it comes to hormone treatment.
I might just have my blood work run privately, if I can find an affordable testing facility.