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GW0742 SARM: Benefits, Uses, Dosage


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There’s a new compound making waves in the SARMs marketplace. Although it’s technically not a SARM, GW0742 is being lauded as even better than Cardarine which happens to be one of the most popular fat-loss compounds.

In this article, we lift the lid on GW0742 to find out just how good it is and why top SARMs retailers sell this compound.


TL;DR: What is GW0742?​

  • GW0742 was developed by Glaxo Smith Kline who is best known for making Cardarine.
  • GW0742 and Cardarine are very similar, having just a single atom’s difference in their molecular makeup.
  • Although it’s grouped with SARMs, GW0742 is a PPAR agonist. Its key function is to break down the fatty acids in your stored energy reserves to provide your body with extra energy.
  • The method of action of GW7042 is almost identical to that of Cardarine, however, it is more powerful in its fat-burning action.

PPAR Agonist​

GW0742 is a PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) agonist. PPAR agonists are a group of nuclear receptor proteins that regulate gene expression.

There are three main classes of PPAR agonists:

  • PPAR alpha agonists
  • PPAR gamma agonist
  • PPAR delta agonists
The main function of PPAR alpha agonists is to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

PPAR gamma agonists mainly work to control blood glucose levels. This drug is mainly developed for use with diabetics.

PPAR delta agonists are designed to switch over the body’s preferred fuel energy system from carbohydrate-derived glucose to lipids from stored body fat.

PPAR Delta Agonist​

GW0742 ReviewImage sourced from PPARδ Promotes Running Endurance by Preserving Glucose. doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2017.04.006
GW0742 is a PPAR delta agonist. Delta is also known as NR1C2 and it turns on the genes that are responsible for fat metabolism. These proteins are found all over the body but are most prolific in the muscles, heart, and liver.

In addition to increasing lipid uptake for energy, the delta agonist also affects the way that your body responds to exercise. In improving stored fat utilization, this protein also helps to protect you from fatty liver disease.

The PPAR delta agonist can control your energy use during endurance-type exercise. It will prioritize fat burning during the workout and preserve your glucose supplies.

The effect of this is that you have a longer-lasting supply of energy and, therefore, more endurance. Studies have shown that supplementation with a PPAR delta agonist (GW0742) improves running endurance significantly.


GW0742 is a PPAR delta agonist designed to affect the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor protein to improve its ability to burn stored body fat. This, in turn, improves training energy and endurance so that you can work out harder and longer while also getting leaner.

How Does Gw0742 Work?​

Even though there is quite limited research on GW0742 at this date, we know that it acts in a very similar way to Cardarine. We know that it acts as a PPAR agonist of the delta variant to enhance the fat-oxidizing activity of the protein.

By the very fact that it improves the body’s fat-burning ability, GW0742 will significantly boost your energy output and improve your endurance levels. That is because the compound encourages the preferential burning of fat, which contains 9 calories per gram.

This compares with glucose, which contains four calories per gram. That means that you get more than double the energy output for every gram of fat burned.

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Why Use GW0742?​

GW0742 is a new and exciting compound that is worth experimenting with. If you have had any experience with Cardarine and have been impressed by its fast-cutting abilities, you can have every confidence that GW0742 will give you even better results.

Some users even claim that it is up to 200 times more effective than Cardarine! At this stage, however, there are no comparative studies between the two compounds.

GW0742 vs Cardarine​

GW7042 and Cardarine are both produced by Glaxo Smith Kline. The company has stated that this new compound is significantly more powerful in terms of its fat-burning ability than Cardarine.

GW0742 Bodybuilding​

When it comes to using it for bodybuilding, GW0742’s main benefit is as a cutting agent. By switching the body’s preferential energy system from glucose to stored body fat, it will get you ripped faster.

A secondary benefit of GW0742 is that it will increase your training energy as a result of enhanced fat burning.

GW0742 Dosage​

The ideal dosage of GW0742 is unclear at this stage.

The majority of users follow a Cardarine dosage protocol. That would have you taking 10 mg per day as a beginner user and stepping it up to 25 mg per day as an advanced user.

You should not go beyond 25 mg per day.

GW0742 Cycle​

GW0742 should be cycled for between 8-12 weeks. You do not have to go on a PCT cycle after a cycle as the compound does not affect testosterone levels.

GW0742 Stack​

GW0742 can be stacked with SARMs to improve cutting results or to achieve muscle gains while you are cutting. We recommend stacking GW0742 with Ostarine, which will help preserve your muscle mass as you get ripped.

GW0742 Results​

The results that people are getting with GW0742 are truly impressive. Some people have reported losing up to 20 pounds of body fat over an 8-week cycle!

GW0742 Side Effects​

The side effects of GW0742 are almost identical to those of Cardarine. The main one is an enlargement of the heart.

This is a condition known as cardiomegaly. This effect has, to date, only been seen in studies with rats. There have been no reported cases of enlarged hearts by people using the compound.

GW0742 Reddit​

Reddit has an active channel that discusses all things SARMs, including G0742. There you can have your questions answered by fellow SARMs users.

Should I Take GW0742?​

If you have any experience taking Cardarine and were impressed by its fat-cutting abilities, you can have full confidence that GW0742 will give you even better results. However, before using this compound, you should assess the potential major risk associated with its use as demonstrated in animal studies – an enlarged heart. If this is not a concern for you, then you may want to consider experimenting with GW0742 as a fat-loss agent.