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Insulin & hGH Timing and Protocol Question(s)

Dr. Phildo

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  1. What is the preferred timing and protocols for the dual usage of hGH & insulin?
    1. hGH and insulin taken separately pre-workout?
    2. Insulin pre-workout and hGH post-workout?
    3. hGH pre-workout and insulin post-workout?
    4. Something unmentioned here.
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This is a super broad question and I’m not saying that at all to be a ass hole. You wanna keep them separate because they counteract one another. So depending on which insulin you choose to use you need to find out the type of insulin you haves “peak” and “half-life”. Because you wanna utilize the insulin as much as possible while it’s active in your body. That’s why they always mention using either humalog(novalog) or humlin-r
(novolin-r) preworkout. The humalog is the fastest insulin there is donit kicks in the fastest and is also out your system the fastest. The Humlin-r is a little slower and last longer . Humlin-r is easier and safer to use because it gives you more time to get your carbs in before you start feeling those feelings of going hypo like light-headed or perfusely sweating . But once you figure out the half life of whichever insulin you choose then you can figure out where to place your gh usage to get the most out of it. It’s definetly best to start using insulin around workout first before you think about adding it in other places if the day. And last thing I’ll leave off is stay away from the long actin insulin like Lantus . There’s a specific way to use it and it’s the type of insulin which you use to often , can make you dependent on it. And like anything start low to figure out how your body feels and adjust to the compound. Start with 4-5iu before the gym and have a healthy meal of protein and carbs about 1-1.5hrs before your shot , just so you do have carbs and protein flowing through your body. Then when you use it preworkout have an intra workout shake. That’s a MUST! I use either HBCD or karbolyn for my carb source and eaa’s with creatine and glutamine as well. One of the biggest pieces of advice I got way way late into my usage and it’s so important and crucial so you don’t get fat or just watery is placing insulin in your diet where it can be used. I believe the way it was worded was place the slin where it can be used. Don’t take the slin jus to overeat and get fat. And this goes hand in hand with the insulin timing and half life stuff, do your best to stay away from fats. Any and all fats. They slow down the nutrient train the slin is using to moist the nutrients into your body and store the fat as fat
So ima just real quick put my
Own program I do when I use insulin and gh around my workout routine. First off I always have an intra shake during my workout regardless of insulin there or not. So I’ll use humalog as my preworkout example. I’ll eat about 1.5hrs before the gym a meal with 2-3 whole eggs and half cup egg whites with 2 slices turkey bacon and a bagel or rye toasts. Once my stomach feel calm and if g2g I’ll start gettin ready for the gym. I’ll drink my preworkout shake while gettin ready so like 15-20min before gym. Then before I leave my house for the gym I’ll use between 6-8iu humalog. I’ll have my intra shake with me for the gym that’s 50-60g carbs, 15g Eaas, 5g creatine, 5 g glutamine . My gym
Is only a 10min drive from my home. Once I get to gym I do a 5-10 min warm up on treadmill and after that walk I start sipping
My intra drink till the end of my workout. My workout will be anywhere from 60-75mins and then I’ll head home and have a protein shake with 50g whey iso and a cream of wheat packet. Then I’ll start preparing my post workout meal. Preparing that meal will take about 30mins. Just before I start eating my post meal I’ll take my gh shot which ranges from 2.5-3.5iu. My other gh shot is about 2 hours pre bed and that’s 2.5-3iu
So ima just real quick put my
Own program I do when I use insulin and gh around my workout routine. First off I always have an intra shake during my workout regardless of insulin there or not. So I’ll use humalog as my preworkout example. I’ll eat about 1.5hrs before the gym a meal with 2-3 whole eggs and half cup egg whites with 2 slices turkey bacon and a bagel or rye toasts. Once my stomach feel calm and if g2g I’ll start gettin ready for the gym. I’ll drink my preworkout shake while gettin ready so like 15-20min before gym. Then before I leave my house for the gym I’ll use between 6-8iu humalog. I’ll have my intra shake with me for the gym that’s 50-60g carbs, 15g Eaas, 5g creatine, 5 g glutamine . My gym
Is only a 10min drive from my home. Once I get to gym I do a 5-10 min warm up on treadmill and after that walk I start sipping
My intra drink till the end of my workout. My workout will be anywhere from 60-75mins and then I’ll head home and have a protein shake with 50g whey iso and a cream of wheat packet. Then I’ll start preparing my post workout meal. Preparing that meal will take about 30mins. Just before I start eating my post meal I’ll take my gh shot which ranges from 2.5-3.5iu. My other gh shot is about 2 hours pre bed and that’s 2.5-3iu
Thanks for your feedback!

I am basically doing the same.
I took down a lot of the original post, because I got tore up by a bunch of douchebags on another forum just for asking the question and saying what I was going to do and my insulin timing.
I train in the morning, so as soon as I get up I have a 1/3 cup of oatmeal (I grind it up) with a scoop of whey isolate and 3gms Citrulline malate in my coffee.
About 30mins later I take 10ius of Humalog and within 10mins of that slam about 75-100gms of HBCD cluster dextrin, 25gms hydorlyzed whey isolate, and 5gms of creatine.
I take an intra shake consisting of 60gms of HBCD cluster dextrin, 25gms hydorlyzed whey isolate, and 5gms of creatine and start sipping it after my warm-up throughout the whole workout.
Then home and I immediately take 2ius of hgh and have a big high protein, high carb, low to no fat pwo meal.
I also take berberine 3x a day and another 2ius of hgh later in the day.
It has been working well so far.

I only plan to do it a few weeks on a few weeks off.
I'll also be lowering the dosage to 7-8ius of Humalog on bigger body part training days like leg days and back days.
What about taking your insulin after training and gh before? Is it a different proposition or just wrong? Thank you in advance
What about taking your insulin after training and gh before? Is it a different proposition or just wrong? Thank you in advance
I've done it that way as well, but I wanted to see what the difference is.
I can tell you that I've gone slightly hypo during my workout the last few times I've done it preworkout, regardless of covering carbs.
I keep a gel pack with me for that.
It happened at 10ius, 8ius, 7ius, and 6ius of Humalog preworkout.
So ima just real quick put my
Own program I do when I use insulin and gh around my workout routine. First off I always have an intra shake during my workout regardless of insulin there or not. So I’ll use humalog as my preworkout example. I’ll eat about 1.5hrs before the gym a meal with 2-3 whole eggs and half cup egg whites with 2 slices turkey bacon and a bagel or rye toasts. Once my stomach feel calm and if g2g I’ll start gettin ready for the gym. I’ll drink my preworkout shake while gettin ready so like 15-20min before gym. Then before I leave my house for the gym I’ll use between 6-8iu humalog. I’ll have my intra shake with me for the gym that’s 50-60g carbs, 15g Eaas, 5g creatine, 5 g glutamine . My gym
Is only a 10min drive from my home. Once I get to gym I do a 5-10 min warm up on treadmill and after that walk I start sipping
My intra drink till the end of my workout. My workout will be anywhere from 60-75mins and then I’ll head home and have a protein shake with 50g whey iso and a cream of wheat packet. Then I’ll start preparing my post workout meal. Preparing that meal will take about 30mins. Just before I start eating my post meal I’ll take my gh shot which ranges from 2.5-3.5iu. My other gh shot is about 2 hours pre bed and that’s 2.5-3iu
I've been following a similar routine... very similar.
Thanks for your input, I appreciate it!