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Need advice on cycle


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Hello all

Who am I:

I am a 34 year old man who has been training for about 14-15 years in the gym. For 12-13 years I have been training naturally without any gear.I hit the gym 4-6 times a week and I am very dedicated.
A few years ago my progress stagnated and 2 years ago I decided to hop on a basic test-E 6 month cycle, 250-375mg every 5 days. Then I was off for 6 months and on again for another pure test-E 500mg every 5 days for another 6 months. Now I have been off again for 8 months. After both cycles I waited 10 days and then I went on a 30-45 day Tamoxifen 20mg per day treatment to reactivate my test production.

Now I want to do another 6 months cycle this time I want to stack test with dbol (Metandienone) and in the last part of the cycle test with anavar (Oxandrolone).

My questions:

  • What is the correct stack? 2 months pure test, then 2 months test and dbol and then 2 months test and anavar? Or what makes sense.
  • What is the amount mg dosage I need to take per day for dbol/anavar and when during the day do I take them. I have 10mg tablets. Do I need to consider taking it with or before or after certain meals? Do I need to consider taking them before or after my training sessions in the gym?
  • Does it makes sense to do the first 2 months pure test to build up my test levels and get used to the cycle before I start with the dbol?
  • Do I need to make a break between the dbol and the anavar or can i start the anavar the day after i stop the dbol? I believe dbol is processed by the liver and anavar by the kidneys, therefore one can be done immediately after the other?
  • After finishing the anavar do I immediatelly stop the cycle or do I do another month of pure test, with slowly reducing the dosage? Or do you stop the test at the same time with the anavar and hop on Tamoxifen?
  • For the a pure test only cycle I understand that post cycle Tamoxifen is enought. When using dbol and anavar do I need to consider another additional medication on top of the Tamoxifen, or do I need to replace the Tamoxifen with something else?
  • During the cycle I normally also take isotretinoin (accutane) against the acne. I know this is bad for the liver. Can I take this medication during the weeks that I am using the dbol, as dbol also is hard on the liver? Or is the double effect on the liver too much? Should I better take the isotretinoin during the last phase of the cycle with the anavar?
  • Do I need to consider any bad interactions between the dbol/anavar and natural supplements like creatin, bcaa's, l-glutamin or all the pre work out pump aminos like l-arginin, citrulin malat etc.?
If there are other important aspects and remarks that I did not cover, I am happy for any contructive feedback.

I am aware of the health risks of these substances and I have my bloodwork checked by a professional doctor every 1-2 months during the cycles. So far my bloodwork has been ok.

Thank you
Good write up
You mentioned Dbol and Anavar ...personality makes no sense to run em back to back especially that there 2 different Orals all together ...Maybe Kickstart the cycle for 4 weeks with Dbol ....and depending on how long the cycle is run the Anavar the last 4 to 6 weeks to tighten up....
Also allows for a break between Orals ...just my 2 cents ...
Train hard
Eat clean

@Tyler Durden is the guy for this question(s)
I would like to thoroughly respond later, after I've had a chance to really read through your post, @GymLover, but right off the bat my concern is blood serum level fluctuations. Test E has a half-life of 10 days and your pinning every 5th day. That's drawn out just enough to have mild fluctuations in your blood levels, do you ever experience any of the most common side effects? Moodiness, acne, water retention? It may work for you, I use primarily enanthate esters and I pin ever 3rd day splitting my wkly dose in half. If it doesn't effect you and your body handles it just fine then no worries, I'm just curious.
Good write up
You mentioned Dbol and Anavar ...personality makes no sense to run em back to back especially that there 2 different Orals all together ...Maybe Kickstart the cycle for 4 weeks with Dbol ....and depending on how long the cycle is run the Anavar the last 4 to 6 weeks to tighten up....
Also allows for a break between Orals ...just my 2 cents ...
Train hard
Eat clean

View attachment 4828
☝️ this, my thoughts as well 👌😎👍
I would like to thoroughly respond later, after I've had a chance to really read through your post, @GymLover, but right off the bat my concern is blood serum level fluctuations. Test E has a half-life of 10 days and your pinning every 5th day. That's drawn out just enough to have mild fluctuations in your blood levels, do you ever experience any of the most common side effects? Moodiness, acne, water retention? It may work for you, I use primarily enanthate esters and I pin ever 3rd day splitting my wkly dose in half. If it doesn't effect you and your body handles it just fine then no worries, I'm just curious.
I would agree with this, I pin every 3.5 days with test E to keep side effects down to a minimal. I’ve heard general doctors recommend 1 shot a week, and I’d call them out about its half life and keeping blood levels stable, and they would admit that they don’t really specialize in hormone replacement. I think that’s where a lot of that comes from in my opinion
How cute is this... the 700mg of tren a week guy would call out medical doctors. His opinion lol. So adorable
How cute is this... the 700mg of tren a week guy would call out medical doctors. His opinion lol. So adorable
Is this what you do? Hijack peoples threads starting drama? Isn’t this a drama free board? And you’re supposed to be how old? By the way, still waiting on that medical proof to back up your facts
Dear all

Thank you for your interesting feedbacks.
I have had a chance to talk to some other more experienced steroid users as well. I would like to share the feedback I received with you which will complement my inital thread.

But first of all let me answer your questions:

@aasDIRECTREP1 the way you explain is similar to what I planned but with a break between the dbol and the anavar. Therefore, I should start off with dbol, take a break, and end the cycle with anavar but do the test throughout ofc. Do I stop the test at the same time with the anavar and go directly into post cycle tamoxifen or do I do the test for maybe another month after the anavar before I end the cycle? Also maybe you could give me an indication regarding the dossage. I have read 30 mg once a day?
@Tyler Durden Happy to have Tylers view as well.

@Tyler Durden various people have told me I should split up my 500mg/2ml testo injections and inject all 3 days and not once all 5 days just like you mentioned. The reason I was on 5 days is because I understood test E has a halflife of 5-6 days. therefore, it was sort of logical for me to inject at that point.
But yes unfortunetly I have side effects, especially the acne which I am treating with Isotretinoin. This medicine is giving me a hard time though (dry eyes, ripped lipps, itchy skin) I also have bad sleep and feel tired, this was not the case during the first part of the cycle it developed over time towards the end.
I was wondering if these side effects might come from too high estrogen and I potentially need a AI, but I was reasured that a pure test E cycle cannot really create a real demand for a AI. Maybe changing from 1big injection to 2 smaller ones per week will lower my symptoms. You think this will be the problem solver or do I need to be concerned about estrogen or something else?

@Tyler Durden
Regarding my learnings people have been telling me the following:
1. orals are bad full stop and I should not take them. This answer is not very indepth and not very satisfying. I heard dbol and anavar are great compounds and many people use them.
2. Various people suggested I inject Deca instead taking these orals. But then a more experienced guy said Deca will force me to cruise testo for longer than the 6 months after I end the deca or post cycle treatment wont work due to long lasting active metabolites that inhibit successful HPTA recovery from PCT. ergo prolonging the testo cycle to 8-9 months if I do Deca for the first 4 months. Is this true?

If I decide to go on these compounds will I need to take a AI systematically during the cycle, and will Tamoxifen be enought as a PCT?

Thank you for your help so far and I am looking forward to your vasluable answers.
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I haven't seen in any of your posts what exactly your goals are. What results are you looking for? Just curious. And what are your current stats?
I haven't seen in any of your posts what exactly your goals are. What results are you looking for? Just curious. And what are your current stats?
As mentioned I stagnated some years ago. ergo not growing more muscle and also not imporving lifts. I dont care too much about how much weight I can move but mostly its sort of relevant for muscle growth even though I prefer very controlled slow movements. I dont really know exactly what my goal is, I guess getting more mass/ bigger. I somehow don't want to except that I have reached the top of the mountain yet. But I think naturally I was just maxed out sort of. I love the sport and improvement is what kept me going and satisfied, that has become less and less over time.

before the two testo cycles I was around 92/93 kilos and now I am around 98/100 and pretty lean for the average gym guy, as mentioned I have been training since I was 20 years old (34 now). I am 177cm. I eat pretty well. During the first testo cycle I tried eating a bit more dirty but I did not feel good and got slightly too fat. Second cycle I went cleaner and it was better for me.

edit: I guess after doing 10+ years of very dedicated training 6 days a week mostly and eating well I feel like I have earned my "right" to start using some steroids, if this makes some sense ;D. I see friends who have been in the gym for 1-3 years hop on gear and overtake me with bad form, bad diet, no experience, no consistency etc.
Therefore my decision to enter the "steroid world".
But I am in it for the long run I want to work out for next 20 years. Thats why I am asking so many and specific questions, I have respect for these compounds and I see too many people abuse these drugs without a real approach.

Did I answer the question?
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Sounds good. Hope it all works out for you.
I'm not really one to give advice to people I don't know. Yeah my real life friends and I experiment with different things but that's about as far as I go with advice. And even then I don't offer much except for a "I don't know, try it and see what happens". With that said they're also experienced players and don't get crazy when it comes to compounds a doses. I'll share my experiences but that's about as far as I take it. There are guys in here who have been around as long if not longer but are much more knowledgeable to the science than I am. Everyone is different and everyone reacts different. Hell I'm still learning and experimenting too. Good luck in your journey friend. Hope it bodes fruitful for you.
I'm done with him. He's an idiot. You know it and I know it.
That's uncalled for. I don't "know" anything about anyone's intellectual capacity. So, kindly don't put words in my mouth. What I do know, is that there are very clearly laid out rules about our code of conduct here. You want to name call, find another board. That's a warning.
I'd like to tag team these questions with Tyler as there's a lot of questions here. Maybe we just start with your stats and goals - weak points, etc.. Your training split should be helpful to hear. Ee can't build you a custom plan, but we'll offer what we can.
I'd like to tag team these questions with Tyler as there's a lot of questions here. Maybe we just start with your stats and goals - weak points, etc.. Your training split should be helpful to hear. Ee can't build you a custom plan, but we'll offer what we can.
Well I am more dependant on the advise on the gear. This is where I am a newbie and really lack know how and experience and would appreciate some recommendations. Maybe you guys could answer my questions in the thread :).

I assume there might be some adjustments that can be done training on gear vs training naturally in my case.

monday i do legs, which is mainly squats and curls
tuesday I do pull, mainly back and sometimes with some bizep isolation
wednesday I do push chest/shoulders and sometimes with some tricep isolation
thursday I am normally off because I am helping out in a youth club
Friday I deadlift
saturday I am off (sometimes do some alcohol)
sunday I do arms

I rarely miss any training days. My social life basically only exists on Saturday.

I vary my intensity in around 3 week blocks. mostly I am training to failure but in some blocks I am only going mb. 80%. I prefer training around 10-12 reps slow and controlled but have blocks with 6-8 reps and also tried 12-15 rep blocks. mostly 3-5 working sets and do 2 excercises per musclegroup so thats a total of 6-10 sets per musclegroup per training and I reduce the weight on 4th sometimes the 5th set, really depending on my daily form but I make sure to get 3 heavy working sets in.

every few months I do 1-2 weeks deload.

Edit: I have a hometrainer at home. i try to get 30 min of cardio done in the morning. but I am not very consistent with this haha. Mostly just get it done on my homeoffice days 2-3 days a week, not gona lie :).
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