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Runners routine

Thanks! The reason for my question about testosterone helping with running is my confusion over the number of trans athletes, IE men posing as women, and all the advantages they have over the women which is being discussed all over the media. What i can't understand is that probably most top athletes will be taking all kinds of drugs, so does the small amount of
Oxygen deprivation is one, ie: high altitude training. Nutrition wise, a lot of runners tend to have a higher percentage of carbs in their diets when in fact keeping protein intake up is very important for quicker recovery periods during training and making forward progress, especially in the off season. Then carb load coming into an event. Food and OTC supplements, keep a high-quality diet going and don't be afraid of having your calories up along with protein intake for recovery and to see your training numbers continually improve. As for OTC supps, I personally think the bang for the buck isn't there, OTC supps are over hyped and heavily marketed for what little gain you get out of them. At least use a quality multi-vitamin. Bloodwork can help you understand what you might be deficient in and worth supplementing with.

I'm not sure what NMN is, but definitely EPO, don't be afraid of EPO, but do your due diligence and learn how to use it properly and again, don't be afraid of it, as long as you're responsible with its use there is nothing to be afraid of. The one steroid that comes to mind is Turinabol (T-bol). The East German's developed it for applications like what you're looking for. Another oral would be Anavar (Var) for what you're interested in. I would use the Turinabol and Anavar in the off season (only), EPO coming into an event. But use the off season to get familiar with EPO use, do NOT wait till the event to throw EPO in for your first-time use, could be disastrous.

Just straight up TRT/HRT would be a wise thing and helpful to your goals. What's your age? It might be time to consider TRT/HRT. If you're at least in your forties, then supplementing with Testosterone and Growth Hormone could be a viable adjunct to help your training and overall well-being. HRT doses are on the bottom end low side, perfect for your goals.
Thanks ! What do you think of tourniquet training as oxygen deprivation, some athletes use it with good results, i tried but got very little out of it. Is it good to put the tourniquet around your upper legs or lower legs, is there any other part of the body a tourniquet may be applied.
Are there any other oxygen deprivation, or any other techniques runners use
What do you think of the boldenone i mentioned, would that be on your list of priorities
Use an elevation mask. Don't over think shit. Get some tbol and an elevation mask and then run forest run.
Thanks! The reason for my question about testosterone helping with running is my confusion over the number of trans athletes, IE men posing as women, and all the advantages they have over the women which is being discussed all over the media. What i can't understand is that probably most top athletes will be taking all kinds of drugs, so does the small amount of
Yeah, the transtesticle thing in women's sports, this shouldn't even be a discussion nor something anyone should have to worry about, especially the women (genetically born female) who have put their heart and soul into their chosen sport. Yes, there's an advantage and it's fucking obvious, this absolutely shouldn't be tolerated, period. I don't care if a transtesticle's feelings are being hurt, I don't care how they want to live their lives, it's their free will, but don't impose on other genders rights to fair play in sports. Society as a whole is shitting on women and women's sports by allowing these grown men to bogart their way into women's sports to satisfy their fragile egos so they can feel like they have dominance in an arena they don't belong. Yeah, this shit pisses me off, it's not right, at all, these weak men in power should do the right thing and make a transtesticle division so they can have their own division to call their own which will keep fair play in sports intact.
What do you think of tourniquet training as oxygen deprivation, some athletes use it with good results, i tried but got very little out of it. Is it good to put the tourniquet around your upper legs or lower legs, is there any other part of the body a tourniquet may be applied.
Science says it is legit, but I don't know of a single Pro Bodybuilder doing blood flow restriction to make their muscles grow bigger.
is there any other part of the body a tourniquet may be applied.

This is something you're going to have to experiment with and decide on your own, and I think you may have already done this.

Now a days in our society people can't think for themselves and want others to do so for them, ie: people in a position of "knowledge" or "authority". Most of the people on this forum are OG Vets that have been in the game for a long time and know how to think for themselves and are very well educated in the use of AAS, HGH and other peptides. They have put the time in researching, experimenting and finding out what works best for themselves. Through trial and error and the process of elimination they have found what works best for them and no one is going to tell them any different. What works for one person may not work for another, this is very true in biochemistry, which is what we dabble in.
What do you think of the boldenone i mentioned, would that be on your list of priorities
I left boldenone out in my original posts, but it is a viable AAS to consider. Boldenone was originally developed for veterinary use in the equine industry for racehorses. Boldenone (EQ) dose the same thing as Turinabol, increases red blood cell count which improves oxygen uptake in the body. A very mild form of blood doping. Keep in mind EQ has a very long half-life and its metabolites will stay in the body for a very long time, up to a year and a half. If it were me, I would experiment with both EQ and Tbol, separate from each other, and see which I preferred. Tbol is an oral, in and out of the system and I wouldn't run it for longer than say 8-10 weeks because it is an oral, can be rough on the liver. EQ being an injectable with a very long ester can take up 8 weeks or longer before it even gets fully built up in your system for full effectiveness. But you would be using a low dose of EQ for the benefits you're looking for. If you're going to use EQ, I would plan on running it for 3 to 6 months. I believe EQ is stronger than Tbol, so keep your BP and hematocrit in check and you may experience a little to some water retention on EQ.
I wonder if I tourniquet the base of my cock if it'll get bigger
Absolutely brother! I think you should try it and report back in a couple of months and let us know how that's going 👌;)(y)
EQ can turn your blood into syrup if you're not careful
☝️ This, reason I mentioned keep your hematocrit in check, maybe I should have said it in layman's terms like you, my brother. 👌:cool:(y)
☝️ This, reason I mentioned keep your hematocrit in check, maybe I should have said it in layman's terms like you, my brother. 👌:cool:(y)
Well some of us simple fellas need it in layman's terms.
Yeah, the transtesticle thing in women's sports, this shouldn't even be a discussion nor something anyone should have to worry about, especially the women (genetically born female) who have put their heart and soul into their chosen sport. Yes, there's an advantage and it's fucking obvious, this absolutely shouldn't be tolerated, period. I don't care if a transtesticle's feelings are being hurt, I don't care how they want to live their lives, it's their free will, but don't impose on other genders rights to fair play in sports. Society as a whole is shitting on women and women's sports by allowing these grown men to bogart their way into women's sports to satisfy their fragile egos so they can feel like they have dominance in an arena they don't belong. Yeah, this shit pisses me off, it's not right, at all, these weak men in power should do the right thing and make a transtesticle division so they can have their own division to call their own which will keep fair play in sports intact.
Good points. i read the other day about a man that wanted to use the female toilets at a hotel. The hotel refused the man. The man them dragged the hotel through the courts and said that because he identifies himself as being a woman, and because he wears a blonde wig, he has the right to use the women only facilities. The court awarded the man $10,000 in compensation
I wonder if I tourniquet the base of my cock if it'll get bigger
I have heard of people doing this, it reduces sensitivity and helps you last longer. Apparently is slows down the blood flow, but can in extreme cases causes for cock amputation as the cock is being starved of oxygen
I left boldenone out in my original posts, but it is a viable AAS to consider. Boldenone was originally developed for veterinary use in the equine industry for racehorses. Boldenone (EQ) dose the same thing as Turinabol, increases red blood cell count which improves oxygen uptake in the body. A very mild form of blood doping. Keep in mind EQ has a very long half-life and its metabolites will stay in the body for a very long time, up to a year and a half. If it were me, I would experiment with both EQ and Tbol, separate from each other, and see which I preferred. Tbol is an oral, in and out of the system and I wouldn't run it for longer than say 8-10 weeks because it is an oral, can be rough on the liver. EQ being an injectable with a very long ester can take up 8 weeks or longer before it even gets fully built up in your system for full effectiveness. But you would be using a low dose of EQ for the benefits you're looking for. If you're going to use EQ, I would plan on running it for 3 to 6 months. I believe EQ is stronger than Tbol, so keep your BP and hematocrit in check and you may experience a little to some water retention on EQ.
Thanks ! Roughly how much turinabol or eq would you use for cardio purposes
I am leaning towards eq because it is not a testosterone and may have lower side effects. I read, although am not sure as i have never tried it, that most testosterone based steroids stop the body from producing collagen. As collagen is found in the joints and skin testosterone steroids cause joint and skin degradation.
EQ seems to have less of this effect as it actually is one of the few steroids that boost collagen production so can be good for your joints and skin. Deca is another one that is reported to boost collagen and has an oily effect on the joints and skin
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EQ seems to have less of this effect as it actually is one of the few steroids that boost collagen production so can be good for your joints and skin. Deca is another one that is reported to boost collagen and has an oily effect on the joints and skin
Anavar is another one that positively effects collagen production in the body.

Deca is another one that is reported to boost collagen and has an oily effect on the joints and skin

The oiling effect on the joints from Deca is mainly from water retention. If you're going to have water retention from an AAS, it's going to be Deca.
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I am leaning towards eq because it is not a testosterone and may have lower side effects. I read, although am not sure as i have never tried it, that most testosterone based steroids stop the body from producing collagen. As collagen is found in the joints and skin testosterone steroids cause joint and skin degradation.
All steroids are a derivative of testosterone, including EQ. Be careful of where and what you read. I'm never on sites like Reddit.
Roughly how much turinabol or eq would you use for cardio purposes
Start base low and titrate the dose up. For your goals, you don't need a lot. I'm going to guess you're under 200lbs? Personally, I would start with 20mg Turinabol a day and see how that goes at first and then go from there. If I was going the EQ route, 100 - 200mg per week split up into two doses per week. Undecenoate is a long ester, with twice a week pinning, your blood levels will stay pretty damn level. Draw back to such a long ester, it's going to take about 6 - 8 weeks for the EQ to fully build up in the body. I would plan on a long run, 16 - 20 weeks easy, especially at such a low dose. Personally, if I were to be using EQ, I will be checking my BP at regular intervals and be prepared to potentially need to control BP #'s. Also, bloodwork about 8 to 10 weeks in to see where hematocrit numbers are at.
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This dude needs to be looking at sarms. Cardarine (GW) especially. Personally I don't think you're an AAS kinda guy. If you're inquiring for "runners" results then you're definitely not an AAS kinda guy. Stick with sarms or stay natural dude. In other words, set the bar a little higher and work your ass off to reach it.