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Test+Deca+Tbol HELP!


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I had 6 cycles. Only testosterone e 500mg and turinabol 40mg, 15 weeks always.

Now I planned test e 500mg for 15 weeks + deca e 300mg for 12 weeks + turinabol 40mg for the first 5 weeks.

Last time I had sensitive breasts at 13 weeks. Should I use arimidex during this cycle? How do I keep estrogen under control?

Sorry for my bad English!


Thank you!


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How high is your estrogen, do you ever get blood work done? I'm assuming it's high if your experiencing this issue. Plus them compounds your taking will do that. Secondly you have decent amount of muscle on you but you also a bit of body fat, that contributes to estrogen as well. I would start dieting, get blood work and most likely, you'll need an AI to manage.
I'm American, I don't understand that
What's the reference range for estradiol, your prolactin looks high, if thats the case, don't use Deca
Yea, man.. you better take an AI, you should of had that on hand to begin with
My guess is that you bulk too much, you have to cut at some point.. you have the size, your perfect for a cut phase, trim that body fat off, use a compound with test that doesn't aromatise
Last time I had sensitive breasts at 13 weeks.
it's because of your high estrogen.
Should I use arimidex during this cycle? How do I keep estrogen under control?
yaeh, you may need anti-estrogen such as arimidex. do you experience any other side effects besides sensitive breasts (gyno signs)?
are you trying to bulk even more? I agree with @Haz79 that you may need to cut, or you don't really care about muscle definition and fat?
No, I have never had any side effects before.

My goal is to try to go to 105kg. The next cycle would be focused on cutting (maybe April/May).

I had 6 cycles. Only testosterone e 500mg and turinabol 40mg, 15 weeks always.

Now I planned test e 500mg for 15 weeks + deca e 300mg for 12 weeks + turinabol 40mg for the first 5 weeks.

Last time I had sensitive breasts at 13 weeks. Should I use arimidex during this cycle? How do I keep estrogen under control?

Sorry for my bad English!


Thank you!
Welcome to SteroidFreaks 💪 Looking good bro. Yes as posted Arimidex eod
can I combine something with testosterone that converts less into estrogen? I'm a little scared as if I'm a beginner 😆

Otherwise, my breasts are a little fatter on the side, I think it's called lipomastia. It's the same with my father.
In what doses to go Arimidex?

I would include it after 2 weeks from the start of the cycle. My plan was to go for half a pill a day. But I'm thinking about whether it will destroy my cycle, because estrogen is also an important item 🤔
can I combine something with testosterone that converts less into estrogen? I'm a little scared as if I'm a beginner 😆

Otherwise, my breasts are a little fatter on the side, I think it's called lipomastia. It's the same with my father.
Equipoise is good. Also Masteron and Primo.
Eq keeps my estrogen real low, I'm lucky that I don't aromatise much, even at a high test dose. I can't do deca
To sum it up, I'd better take, say, test e 500mg, boldenone 500-600? And as a kick Dbal 40mg. Arimidex I'd just keep on hand in case things go wrong?
I would include it after 2 weeks from the start of the cycle. My plan was to go for half a pill a day. But I'm thinking about whether it will destroy my cycle, because estrogen is also an important item 🤔
good, it seems you did some homework.
yes, you need estrogen to grow muscle. that's why i asked you if you experience any other high estrogen symptoms. if you don't, then you could try avoiding the use of arimidex and use nolvadex instead. nolvadex doesn't lower your total estrogen as arimidex does (so it doesn't deal with other high-estrogen symptoms), but it does lowers/deals/prevents/fights off gynecomastia (it directly binds to estrogen receptors in breasts).
so, you keep your estrogen high, but you lower gyno, if you go for nolvadex over arimidex. you can try it today.
test e 500mg, boldenone 500-600?
if you try to bulk, keep deca
And as a kick Dbal 40mg.
dbol will aromatize you even more. go for something like anavar better. it doesn't aromatizes. while it is not such a great bulker as Dbol, you stay away from too much aromatization. especially since you're a beginner and don't know how to deal with it.
Arimidex I'd just keep on hand in case things go wrong?
yes, always have it on hand, just in case.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Honestly, I would love to try the test and the deca durabolin. What ratio is best for me?

If I were to use Nolvadex during my cycle, when would it be advisable to start it and how much?

Thank you!
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I did dbol a few times. Oddly enough i didn't get sensitive nipples but they did leak. Tbol is Def a good compound. No bloat no leaky tits and a little more stamina.