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Test+Deca+Tbol HELP!

Hey brother, so with deca it converts to estradiol about 20% the amount testosterone does. Turinabol also converts into estrogen I'm not sure at what rate compared to testosterone but I'd imagine not allot but it's definitely adding fuel to the fire. You could run a lower dose of test and add in some deca at a 2:1 ratio for example 400 test 200 deca I think would work well based off your passed cycle experience. Deca takes a bit to fully saturate and since it doesn't aromatize as much you could run some TBOL for the first 6-8 weeks to kickstart and your estrogen shouldn't be to high BUT I'd definitely look into running a moderate dosage of AI I like aromasin it works well and isn't as toxic I'd look into 15-20MG EOD to start. As far as non aromatizing compounds as haz mentioned EQ is a solid option I've personally never used it but ive heard great things about it some people do report bad anxiety but that's also reported from nandrolone so I wouldn't over think it. Also Id keep an eye on prolactin if your nips get sensitive on nandrolone and your on AI don't be so quick to up the dose your prolactin may be high but that's unlikely on 200mg deca. Hope this helps bro

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Honestly, I would love to try the test and the deca durabolin. What ratio is best for me?
i always recommend keeping deca dosage lower than testosterone. some say they are doing well on the same dosage as test (or even higher) but to my observation, most respond better on lower deca than test. Ratio at least 1.5:1 (or 3:2). This means that for every 100 mg of Deca you use, you should use at least 150 mg/week of Test (or more), but pay attention not to use too large dosages to begin with.
If I were to use Nolvadex during my cycle, when would it be advisable to start it and how much?
some use Nolvadex during the cycle to prevent gyno. or you could use it to fight it off. if you already have symptoms, you can start it. dosage is 40 mg/day if you have symptoms, then 20 mg/day to prevent/keep it off. then may lower (such as 20 mg/EOD or 20 mg E3D).
It just happened on the last cycle around 13 weeks. Just nipple sensitivity, nothing more.
The plan is to try the Test 500mg, Deca d. 250 mg. From the second week of taking 20mg Nolvadex every other day.
I don't think there should be any problem.