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What are you running this summer?

well, I think that this dosage is still high enough. Maybe not too high for you particularly, but it is definitely not mild. Masteron might be mild, but at 700 mg/week is already a high dosage. + 525 mg/week of Test which is already a pretty good dosage. This duo alone isn't anything mild, but add the 525 mg/week of DHB alone (which is not mild) and we get a stack that we definitely can't call "mild".
Dosing protocols vary on person, genetics and experience this very well could be a mild cycle for him

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well, I think that this dosage is still high enough. Maybe not too high for you particularly, but it is definitely not mild. Masteron might be mild, but at 700 mg/week is already a high dosage. + 525 mg/week of Test which is already a pretty good dosage. This duo alone isn't anything mild, but add the 525 mg/week of DHB alone (which is not mild) and we get a stack that we definitely can't call "mild".
Highly disagree for guys that are trying to become as big and lean as possible who have everything up to snuff. Its common to find guys at a local level that are running double this amount. Dhb for me and for everyone I've ever worked with that's ran it is absolutely mild in terms health markers and negative effects.
Yes this blast for people that aren't your average gym rat is mild and relatively safe. No I don't think 700 mast is high at all.
what you're saying is for your personally. it may not be high for you at all.
but what i'm talking about is for general people. and yes, for those who are trying to become as big and as lean as possible, who are already huge and already have huge experience with steroids it all may be mild. but for most people on this forum, most people in most gyms, and most people using gear, this is a huge dosage that is very likely to cause a lot of side effects and wack their health markers. 1.7g of gear a week and you're saying this is mild. are you fucking kidding me? i'm not saying that you are not responding well to it. i do believe you. what i'm trying to say is that an average gym rat may read your post and think "well, if he's doing well on that amount, then i can go for 2g of gear a week to grow" ultimately fucking his entire body and system.
what you're saying is for your personally. it may not be high for you at all.
but what i'm talking about is for general people. and yes, for those who are trying to become as big and as lean as possible, who are already huge and already have huge experience with steroids it all may be mild. but for most people on this forum, most people in most gyms, and most people using gear, this is a huge dosage that is very likely to cause a lot of side effects and wack their health markers. 1.7g of gear a week and you're saying this is mild. are you fucking kidding me? i'm not saying that you are not responding well to it. i do believe you. what i'm trying to say is that an average gym rat may read your post and think "well, if he's doing well on that amount, then i can go for 2g of gear a week to grow" ultimately fucking his entire body and system.
No I don't agree that anything in the amount that I'm taking is going to cause huge side effects and fuck up someone's entire body or system.
No I don't agree that anything I'm talking will cause almost anyone who is keeping their blood pressure in check will cause huge side effects or throw their health markers out of wack.
No I'm not kidding you and I do not believe you have enough understanding or experience with people or these compounds to draw any real conclusion or make any statement based on your statements. I stand by the fact that blood pressure is what causes 99% of the issues.
Theres not a shred of evidence that actually proves aas will as you put it ultimately fuck up somebodies system out side of myths on forum.
Our endocrine system is not that fragile.
For some one who sells these drugs it's a bad look that you're relatively clueless on what they actually do and how they actually work in the human body.

700 masteron almost no one will run into issues. I will stand by the fact that masteron can be pushed pretty damned high and cause almost no issues for anyone. Will also help mitigate e2 sides from the test that cause elevated bp
525 dhb ( maybe pip, maybe inflammatory markers, but other than pip I've never actually seen it cause any issues on anyone's blood work at that dose)
can also help mitigate e2 from test that cause hbp

525 test as long as e2 is managed isn't going to cause issues.

so since you asked I completely and adamantly disagree with you and for anyone reading this he is wrong.

Now here's what I will say since for some very strange reason I had to defend what I'm personally doing that I did not prescribe to or recommend to anyone.
Start low and then titrate up as needed. Needed could be when body composition starts to get worse but you've stalled during a growth phase or when performance decreases in a fat loss phase.
Pick gear that gives you almost no negative effects.
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Start low and then titrate up as needed. Needed could be when body composition starts to get worse but you've stalled during a growth phase or when performance decreases in a fat loss phase.
Pick gear that gives you almost no negative effects.
that is perfectly correct
and yet, for the rest, i do have ideas how steroids work based on studies i read almost daily, based on how they work personally for me, and msot importantly, based on a lot of our clients' reports. What if I told you that there are people who report bad effects from using masteron 500 mg/week stacked with 300 mg/week of test? you'd think that I'm lying or not knowing what I'm talking about, and yet, I discuss with real people telling me their reports.
500 mg/week of test could fuck someone up. there are a bunch of 16-18 years old 120 lbs thinking that 500 mg/week of test is the perfect dosage to begin with. now they could add some DHB in there to make gains. they do fuck their entire system, and often, for life. and yet, you tell me that it causes almost no issues.
No I'm not kidding you and I do not believe you have enough understanding or experience with people or these compounds to draw any real conclusion or make any statement based on your statements. I stand by the fact that blood pressure is what causes 99% of the issues.
there is way more than just high blood pressure (but I do agree with you that it is one of the worst).
For some one who sells these drugs it's a bad look that you're relatively clueless on what they actually do and how they actually work in the human body.
you should make your conclusion based on the fact that i'm someone who sells these drugs and I'm NOT trying to push as much as possible. that's how people fuck their bodies and system. I'm not trying to make money by making someone else suffer. I try to build a trustworthy relationship with all our clients by taking care of their needs, not just selling gear recklessly, attempting to tell everyone they should use as much as possible, so they would buy from me as much as possible.
in the end, I'm tired of this conversation. I've had it way too many times with way too many people and nobody could prove me wrong. people don't seem to understand that too much gear is the root of their health problems while they do not pay attention to their diets and workout plans too much. back in his days, Arnold was taking 5-10 mg/day of Dbol and 100-200 mg/week of Primo. Nowadays people take 100x more than that and don't look anywhere close to him. gear is just an enhancement of diet and workout, not "the secret to getting huge".
respectfully and with no offense to you though 💪
Tbol 40mg per day for 6weeks

TestE 400mg per week
TrenE 300mg per week
MastE 500mg per week
HGH 3iu per day
For 15weeks
Interesting cycle design. You’re running mast higher than test and 300 tren for 15 weeks? How do you feel?
I’ll be on prep but ideally it’ll be something like this

12 weeks out
Sus 250 - 875mg x week
Primo 200 - 350mg x week
Mast e 200 - 350mg x week
1575 total

8 weeks out
Sus - 1250mg x week
Primo - 700mg x week
Mast e - 700mg x week
Tren a - 70mg x week
2720mg total

4 weeks out
Test p - 100mg daily 700mg x week
Primo - 100mg daily 700mg x week
Mast e - 100mg daily 700mg x week
Tren a - 10mg daily 70mg x week
2170mg total

Win - 50mg tapered up each week 75, 100,150
Proviron - 50mg tapered up same as win