I’ve worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients, known many people, common competitors, and professional competitors in the industry for 30 years and growing… I can say without a doubt, that everyone’s biochemistry is unique to them. Some people have unique reactions to hgh, some people have nothing but “side effects”, some people do not react at all, some come down with life threatening adverse reactions, some hyper-respond in ways that would pop the eyes out of your head in astonishment, and the list goes on etc.
If you have the type of response where all you do is hold water, become edematic, have negative side effects that outweigh any positives no matter how long you seem to run it, it’s not for you. There is only negative health consequences for being a bloated pig all day every day for weeks and months on end. Not worth it. The same can be said for aas responses too. But in regards to hgh, if you are one of those that gets leaner, hold almost no subcutaneous fluids, hold all the given bloating within your muscle bellies, and you sleep like a newborn baby, all the while you seem to be able to eat whatever you want and only get more muscular and hard looking, then you are one of the selected ones with the ideal genetic response for the positives of hgh usage.
Might not be what some folks want to hear, but that’s the truth of the matter. You gotta pick your poisons properly in this game, or the game will get ya! If the shoe does’t fit, stop trying to make it fit. That’s my rant on HGH and effects…