Thanks! I was hoping this site was not all about bodybuilding, that there may be a few people on here who do some cardioIdk bro sounds like something to ask an actual runner, typically bodybuilders do lower fat higher protein and carbs
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Oxygen deprivation is one, ie: high altitude training. Nutrition wise, a lot of runners tend to have a higher percentage of carbs in their diets when in fact keeping protein intake up is very important for quicker recovery periods during training and making forward progress, especially in the off season. Then carb load coming into an event. Food and OTC supplements, keep a high-quality diet going and don't be afraid of having your calories up along with protein intake for recovery and to see your training numbers continually improve. As for OTC supps, I personally think the bang for the buck isn't there, OTC supps are over hyped and heavily marketed for what little gain you get out of them. At least use a quality multi-vitamin. Bloodwork can help you understand what you might be deficient in and worth supplementing with.Ty
Thanks! I was hoping this site was not all about bodybuilding, that there may be a few people on here who do some cardio
I'm not sure what NMN is, but definitely EPO, don't be afraid of EPO, but do your due diligence and learn how to use it properly and again, don't be afraid of it, as long as you're responsible with its use there is nothing to be afraid of. The one steroid that comes to mind is Turinabol (T-bol). The East German's developed it for applications like what you're looking for. Another oral would be Anavar (Var) for what you're interested in. I would use the Turinabol and Anavar in the off season (only), EPO coming into an event. But use the off season to get familiar with EPO use, do NOT wait till the event to throw EPO in for your first-time use, could be disastrous.NMN and also EPO like Durro mentioned
I'll eat half an anavar (25mg) and half a tbol (20mg) before a big cardio train. Boxing mainly. Could even throw 25mg winstrol and 500mcg metri if you felt froggy. Don't remember the source but they made an oral blend of that for a while. Killer oral
I have some Tbol on hand, 25mg/caps 60ct, picked it up through PlatinumPharm. But never used Tbol, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity. A situation where I'm looking for some more endurance to get through workouts. I wouldn't be using Tbol for direct muscle building, but using it to indirectly positively effect muscle building by improving my workout intensity through better oxygen uptake and creating more free Test in the blood stream by freeing Test from SHBG for muscle building purposes.I’ve been thinking about adding some tbol in the mix, what doses did you guys run and do you notice a change in physique I’ve heard mixed statements about it “bodybuilding” wise. I do know it’s very mild in sides and doesn’t effect blood work much which is why I’m considering it in my next blast
I have some Tbol on hand, 25mg/caps 60ct, picked it up through PlatinumPharm. But never used Tbol, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity. A situation where I'm looking for some more endurance to get through workouts. I wouldn't be using Tbol for direct muscle building, but using it to indirectly positively effect muscle building by improving my workout intensity through better oxygen uptake and creating more free Test in the blood stream by freeing Test for the SHBG for muscle building purposes.
Brother, you're on point. East Germany development it to evade drug testing back in the cold war days and it was intended to help all athletes across the board no matter what their event was. The big controversy was the fact that they gave it to a lot of their female athletes screwing up their endocrine system in search of accumulating medal counts for East Germany. My assumption is it didn't become available to the rest of the world until after the Berlin wall came down.I don't think it was designed with "bodybuilding" in mind. Not sure but I think it's been implemented for the endurance effect. To push thru the wall of those big lifts. Uneducated guess of course. I don't even think we had access to tbol back in the day. Don't remember it ever being on a list
Back when I started there wasn't a lot available to us in my area. Just the basics. Test, deca, eq, tren, primo and your dbol, anadrol, winstrolBrother, you're on point. East Germany development it to evade drug testing back in the cold war days and it was intended to help all athletes across the board no matter what their event was. The big controversy was the fact that they gave it to a lot of their female athletes screwing up their endocrine system in search of accumulating medal counts for East Germany. My assumption is it didn't become available to the rest of the world until after the Berlin wall came down.
Good question, I have no idea.I wonder if Alex Rodriguez used this while running his primo. I bet he did.
I started my research and dive into AAS in the early 80's. Everything you mention was available but the Tren and Anadrol. Primo was very hard to come by so you didn't hear much about it, but you new it existed.Back when I started there wasn't a lot available to us in my area. Just the basics. Test, deca, eq, tren, primo and your dbol, anadrol, winstrol