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Trains road to pro debut

Freight train

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Hey brothers so AAS DIRECT has been good enough to sponsor me on the road to my IFBB masters pro debut !!! Yes I’m an old mfer I will be competing in the 212 division a the 55 + !!!
Still currently in offseason as my show is not till November!!
I’m more about food a training with the gear being a supplement to that I’m currently at 227 lb not sure of bf but I stay kinda lean as we grow into the show !!!
I’ll post food a gear usage later just wanted to introduce myself a get this train rolling so any questions or comments feel free to ask !!!
With that being said let’s fucking do this !!!!

Pics are current as of my check in on Weds a lot of work to do but I’m not afraid of work or busting my ass !!! I say you may beat me but you won’t ever outwork me !!!!


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Alright brothers so we will start with yesterday’s training an todays
Tuesday training
Barbell row 5 x 10-12
Chest supported low row cluster set
Single arm shotgun cable row 4 x 12
T bar row rest pause set
Db bent over flyes ss db preacher curl 4 x 15-20

Weds training
Incline smith press test pause
Shoulder press 4 x 12
Db side laterals rest pause
Upright rows 4 x 15
Dips 4 x 12
Standing chest press 3 x failure

Right now cycle is very mild relying more on food but cycle is
Test cyp
Mast p
MENT e3d 1/2 cc
4 iu growth before bed
Pinned the Bouwen gear a that stuff is very smooth it can be injected with a slin pin to early to tell how good it is but I have no doubts it will do the job !!!
Again thanks to AAS-DIRECT for the sponsorship I can’t tell you how much it means !!!
Alright brothers time to rest a chill with the pup !!!!

Both workouts were great my gym has no ac in it an it’s been in the 90 here so really felt good for the joints !!!
Have a kickass day brothers
Really looking forward to following this log ..I love Primo and really like Mast ...never ran both together ...got me thinking !
Give it a try bro it’s on the safe side of things but trying to stay as healthy as possible at this point I do take leviathon nutrition products now it’s made for people on cycle I truly believe in it
Alright brothers so we will start with yesterday’s training an todays
Tuesday training
Barbell row 5 x 10-12
Chest supported low row cluster set
Single arm shotgun cable row 4 x 12
T bar row rest pause set
Db bent over flyes ss db preacher curl 4 x 15-20

Weds training
Incline smith press test pause
Shoulder press 4 x 12
Db side laterals rest pause
Upright rows 4 x 15
Dips 4 x 12
Standing chest press 3 x failure

Right now cycle is very mild relying more on food but cycle is
Test cyp
Mast p
MENT e3d 1/2 cc
4 iu growth before bed
Pinned the Bouwen gear a that stuff is very smooth it can be injected with a slin pin to early to tell how good it is but I have no doubts it will do the job !!!
Again thanks to AAS-DIRECT for the sponsorship I can’t tell you how much it means !!!
Alright brothers time to rest a chill with the pup !!!!

Both workouts were great my gym has no ac in it an it’s been in the 90 here so really felt good for the joints !!!
Have a kickass day brothers
Awesome.....Keep 'em coming.
Ok brothers let’s see it’s Saturday so I’ll give Fridays pull an sat push session
Friday pull 2
Rack pulls 5 x 8-12
Wide grip PULLDOWNS rest pause
Chest supported db rows 3 x 12
Under hand grip seated row cluster set
Cable rope pullovers 4 x 25

Saturday pull2
Hammer decline press sst set
Seated pec deck rest pause
Cable rope front raises 4 x 15
Face pulls 4 x 15
Machine side laterals 4 x 15
Hammer incline 3 x failure
Tricep rope extension cluster set

All good workouts hot as hell here but that’s ok it makes it harder. Really pushing things hard in the gym an so far so good on the bouwen gear very smooth no pip alright brothers have a great weekend an tomorrow is leg day my favorite lol