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Trains road to pro debut

Ok brothers let’s see it’s Saturday so I’ll give Fridays pull an sat push session
Friday pull 2
Rack pulls 5 x 8-12
Wide grip PULLDOWNS rest pause
Chest supported db rows 3 x 12
Under hand grip seated row cluster set
Cable rope pullovers 4 x 25

Saturday pull2
Hammer decline press sst set
Seated pec deck rest pause
Cable rope front raises 4 x 15
Face pulls 4 x 15
Machine side laterals 4 x 15
Hammer incline 3 x failure
Tricep rope extension cluster set

All good workouts hot as hell here but that’s ok it makes it harder. Really pushing things hard in the gym an so far so good on the bouwen gear very smooth no pip alright brothers have a great weekend an tomorrow is leg day my favorite lol

What are your rest pauses like? DC style? Or something else? Im a beyond failure guy so im always curious.

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What are your rest pauses like? DC style? Or something else? Im a beyond failure guy so im always curious.

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Yes bro doggcrapp style 15 deep breaths 3 rounds accentuating the negative
Hey brothers yesterday leg day I’ll write it out later tonite !!
But just wanted to say if you have been wanting to try the MENT definitely do so AAS-DIRECT is killing it with this I absolutely love it an I’m just getting it kicking into full gear
Give it a try you won’t be disappointed!!!
Hey brothers yesterday was pull 1 day
Bb rows 5 x 8-10
Chest supported db rows cluster set
Single arm cable PULLDOWNS 4 x 12
T bar row rest pause set
Preacher curl ss reverse pec deck 4 x 15-20 ea

Feeling really good the Bouwen gear is really smooth an kick ass I really love the ment as it’s starting to take full effect

Food is still high not sure if you guys are interested in diet but meal 1 is :
5 whole eggs
200 grams shredded potatoes
2 English muffins
50 grams avacado
4 iu humalog taken with bfast

Weight is slowly climbing up but it’s all quality gains so really happy with progress so far
I don’t do macros my coach takes care of my diet but the if it fits your macros diet stuff to me is just a opportunity for someone to eat some shit food an feel ok about it
Hey brothers yesterday was pull 1 day
Bb rows 5 x 8-10
Chest supported db rows cluster set
Single arm cable PULLDOWNS 4 x 12
T bar row rest pause set
Preacher curl ss reverse pec deck 4 x 15-20 ea

Feeling really good the Bouwen gear is really smooth an kick ass I really love the ment as it’s starting to take full effect

Food is still high not sure if you guys are interested in diet but meal 1 is :
5 whole eggs
200 grams shredded potatoes
2 English muffins
50 grams avacado
4 iu humalog taken with bfast

Weight is slowly climbing up but it’s all quality gains so really happy with progress so far
Good stuff brother
Day off training today for some much needed recovery I’ll do some foam rolling an massage gum work ,then smoke a joint an go to sleep with my pups lol
Things are clicking on all cylinders so feeling good about where I’m at !!!
Pull day 2 tomorrow


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Hey brothers Friday was pull 2 so mainly all back day !! Yesterday we had a power outage here so actually got an extra rest day which never hurts !!!
So I gave meal 1 in earlier post so here is meal 2
200 grams steak
400 grams rice
1 tblsp EVO

I really like the wagyu steak in the air fryer an we rice is rice lol

Today is leg day just like every Sunday it’s going to church for me

Alright brothers give that Bouwen gear a try I’m very impressed ,incredibly smooth a potent !!

Kick ass today brothers
Ok brothers Sunday was leg day
Hack squat keep adding 25 lb ps until 8 reps then do 2 sets
Box squat x widow maker
Leg extension rest pause
Pendulum squat 4 x 12
Abductors 4 x 25

Lying leg curls ( same way as back squats
Single leg curls 4 x 15
Seated leg curls 4 x 12
Wide stance leg press widow maker

Calves are done 3 x week at my choice all done as widow maker set

Then it’s time to go home an put the ice on the knees

Meal 3 200 g chicken / 300 g quinoa /32 g peanut butter
Hey brothers you know some days you just f er l beat the fuck up, an you have to decide do I train or do I rest my body it’s a fine line but I’ve learned as I got older to error on the side of rest ,the recovery process is very important!!! I believe the better recovery the better growth
I try to keep everything the same my sleep time ,wake up time stretching foam rolling everything it all comes down to consistency plain a simple !!!
It all leads to no motherfucker will out work me !!!