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Trains road to pro debut

Hey brothers took a few days off training as body was starting to feel beat up a weights felt heavy ,when that happens I kniw it’s time for a few days off !!!
Took my time off now today gonna head back to the gym for that final push to prep got to get some bloodwork done an if all is good it’s full steam ahead !!!
Hey brothers Sunday was leg day hot as fuck in the gym but it keeps these old knees warm ,workout is changing this week ,
Meal 1 today was
5 whole eggs
200 g bfast potatoes
35 g dates
2 English muffins

Pinned the primo an ment yesterday still probably some of the best quality gear out there

Pre bfast was 4 iu insulin an 2 iu growth
Weight is at 228
Pics are from Sunday check in


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why use insulin when using 2 iu hgh?
not trying to be disrespectful, genuinely asking.
So finally got back on here I’m not very technically savvy
Alright brothers about another week before prep starts currently sitting at 230 am still pretty lean it should not be a bad prep
Workouts have changed a food is high at times it’s hard to get it all down but it is what it is !!
Here is my check in pics from Weds
Will add in posing practice 3 times a day !!
Time to fucking do this I’d like to bring a package they haven’t seen on a 58 yr old an I think I can achieve that !!!


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Friday back day 2
Cable rope pullovers 4 x 15
Underhand reverse grip pulldown top set 8-12 back off 12-15
Close grip pulldowns rest pause
Laying t bar row focusing on upper back 4 x 12-15
Preacher curls rest pause
Db curls 4 x 15-20

Kick ass workout really feeling the mind muscle connection
Really like the bouwen ment that shit is fire try it you won’t be disappointed

Fuckibg rolling tho brothers feeling real good a strong gonna bring one hell of a package !!!
This fucking site keeps not letting me on but hopefully got it figured out

Alright brothers hope everyone is good things are moving in the right direction a prep will start very soon ,I’m ready to bring a bad ass package to the stage !!!
Let’s take a look at Sundays leg workout

Feet close hack squat ss feet wide hack squat
Feet close leg press ss lying hamstring curl
Leg extension ss seated hamstring curl
Belt squat ss butt blaster

Pic on left from check in on Sunday
Pic on right is from pro card win

I’ve been accentuating the back an it will look better this time out !!!


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