Hey my man
I am the same age as you and I feel great.
I tell you my basic protocol if it helps. To me it has been awesome so far:
500mg test cyp
200 tren enan
1 mg arimidex daily
nolva 20mg divided in two tens a day
proviron 100mg divided in two fifties a day............. And one of the most important things that many forget
HCG 500-1000 ui weekly. This one will help a lot with your mood. You can´t imagine how much.
It may seem a bit high the doses to some, but it is not really, and the synergy between the supporting and aiding in androgen receptors from the tren and the solid test, controlling your aromatization with estrogen inhibitors and blockers will be paramount.
I need to add I keep this protocol only around 28-30 days. After this I bridge with a little test cyp only (250mg week).
If you do not want to bridge and go on a axis recovery protocol, then stop the cyp at day 18, and go on day 30 full with 500ui HCG ten days in a row and clomid 100 mg for another 15. Then you are ready to roll again. The second time you could use just a tiny quantity of test, add some insulin, very little like 4ui x 2d, 2ui GH x 4d and 75 mcg T3. Of course you can avoid the insulin if you are not sure. This is a chemical somewhat agressive, to say something.
You´ll rock with this my friend.
I hope to have been of service, like John Wick
If need advice for nutrition when on insulin, just let me know. The rest of the diet must be solid protein, good fats and a lot of veggies giving you are trying to lose weight and get in shape again.