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Microdosing Tren A


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Anyone have any experience in very low dosing of tren A maybe 25 mg every other day or something along those lines. Experiences? Thoughts?
I have heard of many who will micro dose as low as 10mg ED and others who will do 25mg EOD.

I’ve seen some also report that Parabolan (Hex) can be used effectively as low as 75mg every 10 days.
Exactly guys, when Parabolan first came out at 76mg and guys were using 1 to 2 ml a week. So that was 76mgs or 152mgs a week so that’s saying something and I have ran 200 a week and it worked great way better than 400+ with all the side effects.
I inject 6 days a week. mon through sat. Sundays are off day, with everything. That being said, you have to figure what works for you. Start low. Tren is going to work no matter what. Me personally, I can start with 30 ED, which is 180 a week. And titrate up.
76 is such an odd mg. Why 76?
I don’t know but I found this

Parabolon is one of the trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate products like Finaplix. Parabolon and Finaplix have many things in common. One of the differences between them is that Parabolon acts longer than Finaplix. Parabolon is better choice then Finaplix as Parabolon is truly designed for human beings. Steroid ester’s half life usually depends on the ratio between its fat solubility and water solubility. The ratio and the half life, both are high if ester has a longer chain. Parabolon is the safest steroid if compared with other steroids. On the other hand, Parabolon is expensive and it is very powerful. Parabolon is a very useful and handy steroid. Usually 70 mg of a dosage after every two to three days are enough. People do take more than this dosage. Both enanthate ester and Parabolon can be compared as the half life of both steroids are almost the same. Trenbolone acetate is more effective than trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. Acetate ester is lighter than trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate and that’s the reason why we can compare 76mg of trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate with only 58mg of trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone acetate and Parabolon are very much alike. Trenbolone acetate has a little longer life. Trenbolone acetate is no longer manufactured. Parabolon is available of a price of seventeen dollars for a dosage of 76 mg. Parabolon acts as a progesterone receptor. Parabolon structure is very much like nandrolone structure. There are few fake Parabolon products, but it’s not too hard to find a real one. But keep one thing in mind, it will be quite expensive. Trenbolone acetate is said to be 3 to 4 times more effective per mg then testosterone esters. Trenbolone acetate acts more strongly per mg then any anabolic steroids. Parabolon is said to be a safe product and it has no side effects but in some cases kidney toxicity is being reported. Although, there is no solid proof for the kidney toxicity.

230 to 310 mg of Parabolon per week is a normal dosage. Few people reported kidney problem while taking a fifty mg dosage per day. Actually, the majority of the people having reported kidney problem are athletes. Where we know that how much they need steroids and how much amount of steroids is used by them. So, the big amount of steroids taken will lead to problems. Estrogen used as mediator is needed for Parabolon. Nowadays, more and more body builders prefer the use of Parabolon. It’s not right to blame Parabolon for the increased risk of gyno. If Parabolon is stacked with some heavily aromatizing substances then the risk of gyno is very much increased. However, one should not blame trenbolone alone. Care should be taken while buying a trenbolone cyclohexylmethyl carbonate product. As many fake products that also offer low prices are available in the market. Try to buy these products from well established shops. And keep in mind that it is an expensive product. Try not to use over dosages. 76mg of a dosage after every 2 to 3 days is the recommended dosage.
Great read. Thanks. Only compound I've seen not an even hundred or 50. I've seen 75mg of tren but never a 76. I may try it.
Great read. Thanks. Only compound I've seen not an even hundred or 50. I've seen 75mg of tren but never a 76. I may try it.
I don’t think there’s actual pharmaceutical Parabolan anymore more than likely you will find a ugl.
Well in a couple months when it's time to throw tren back in that's what I'll get.
Thanks fellas, just kinda curious to see what others have done as far as microdosing and how it worked out, I'm gonna hold steady at 25 mg eod. Fingers crossed great results with no sides.
Not a fan of it so I have no opinion. Only ran it once.
That's all we had to go on back in the day. No one drew bloods and shit back then. Any one of us had an idea we always said "fuck it. Run it see what happens "