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Trains road to pro debut

Ok brothers hot day yesterday in the gym but I like it that way !!
Did some chest an tri yesterday
Seated cable flyes 4 x 15
Incline press on hammer top set 8-10 back off 12-15
Decline hammer press rest pause
Standing chest press 3 x failure

Skull crushers 3 x 15
Overhead rope extension rest pause

Workouts are kicking ass a love the bouwen ment an primo !! If you haven’t tried any of it out yet get busy a get you d set one it really is worth it !!!!

Almost prep time but champions are made in the offseason so let’s keep fucking pushing !!!
Back day #2 for the week
Cable rope pullovers 4 x 15
Underhand grip PULLDOWNS top set 8-12 back off set 12-15
Close grip pulldown rest pause
Chest supported t bar tow ( target upper back )4 x 12

Bowen primo 3 x week
Bowen ment e3d
Test cyp 2 x week
Growth (celtrope) 4 iu before bed
I like to keep this saying in my head when I feel like saying fuck this I don’t want to train today or I don’t want to eat again I just revert back to this !!!


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Shoulders today
Viking press top set 8-10 back off 12-15
Hammer shoulder press rest pause
Side laterals 4 x 12
Front raises 3 x 12
Cable seated rear flyes 4 x 12

Good workout the wider the shoulders the smaller the waist lol
Adding in 4 days of 20 min cardio nothing crazy
Hey brothers sorry it’s been a few days we got hit by some serious storms an everything been a mess
But back at it getting bloods done next week not for test just bloods to make sure all is good to start prep an then it’s fucking on
Training diet a gear all been running in sync so I feel pretty good about where I’m at a growing into the show !!!
Get pics from my check in on weds sitting at 232.6


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Shoulders a calves today great workout !!! All seems to be going good added another 20 min cardio !!!
Feel good as we head into prep really crazy push so let’s make this fucking happen
Again thanks to AASDIRECT really sone of the best gear I’ve used !!!
Ok brothers first week of prep
3 low days of carbs an 1 high day (the low days are not super low )
Start weight at prep 234
Cardio 5 x 20 min
Cycle consist of test cyp, primo , eq ,growth an insulin
Let’s fucking do this it’s go time !!!!