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New Years Bulk Cycle for the King

Oh yeah…

Pinned the following today:
Test E- 225mg
Mast E- 150mg
Deca- 150mg
NPP- 75mg

I used a 3cc syringe, drew with a 23g 1” needle, then switched the needle with a new 23g 1” needle and pinned my right glute.
Sorry guys didn’t get a chance to workout yesterday…I had a few appointments with the kids followed by my daughters 14th bday. I did however get to go for a run yesterday. Easy run for 2 miles.

Back, Bi, Traps

1) Bent over BB row
1 x 25
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10

2) BB curls
1 x 25
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x10

3) Straight arm lat pullover
1 x 20
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 8

4) Seated DB drag curls
1 x 12
2 x 8
3 x 8
4 x 8

5) Seated wide grip lat pulldowns
1 x 20
2 x 9
3 x 8
4 x 7

6) Concentration hammer curls
1 x 15
2 x 8
3 x 12
4 x 8

7) Hex Bar Shrugs
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4X 15

15min of 40sec on 20sec off battle ropes HIIT.
I used a 23g 1” instead of the 25g 1” cuz on Monday pinning was super difficult with the 25 which made me have to reposition my hand several times to continue to push the plunger. In all that I ended up with a lil pip from it. I honestly don’t think it is the brand or compounds but the fact I had to reposition so many time I was just moving the needle all around in there. My NPP pin only to my delt had no pip from Wednesday so 100% all me on this one I’d say.
Anyway, I know a lot of y’all thing 23g is too big but they work just fine for me and makes my life easier. The bigger I get the harder it is to pin everywhere
I used 3cc syringe with 23g 1” to draw, switched pin to new 23g 1” to inject into left glute.

So much better! Even tho it’s still difficult to reach. Super smooth! 23g here works the best for me while hitting glutes with more than 1cc in the barrel.
I'm right there with you King, all of my pinning is with a 23g 1" pin. I still use the old standard of a 21g 1.5" pin to draw, but then pin with the 23g 1". Like you, I've tried 25g 1" and a 28g 0.5" slin pin and just too much of a pain in the ass to push all that oil through. I haven't pinned glutes in like 3-4 years now because of the same issue you're having. I rotate delts and tri's with pecs as my backup, and glutes as an absolute necessity.


1) Hex bar DL
1 x 15
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 8

2) Barbell squats
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

3) Leg extension
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

4) Leg curls
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

5) Calf raises
1 x 25
2 x 25
3 x 25
4 x 25

High rep workout on legs today. I have some knee issues so light weight, high rep is good for me while I allow for some strengthening and endurance.

I was just able to squeeze this leg workout in between work and taking my son to therapy. I have at least 3 appointments each week sometime 4, to take my kids to individual therapy and daughter to physical therapy for her hand. Getting burnt out but I’m not gonna show them how it sucks cuz I need them both focused on healing rn.
Pinned this morning before work!
Test E- 225mg
Mast E- 150mg
Deca- 150mg
NPP- 75mg

I used a 3cc syringe, drew with a 23g 1” needle, then switched the needle with a new 23g 1” needle and pinned my left glute.

Today was a full body! I feel good but I am whooped.

1) Flat BB BP
1- bar x 50
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x 3

2) Rear delt Reverse Fly
1 x 20
2 x 15
3 x 15

3) Tricep press down
1 x 20
2 x 15
3 x 12

4) Incline BB BP
1- bar x 50
2 x 15
3 x 7
4 x 4

5) Standing BB military press
1 x 12
2 x 8
3 x 5

6) Skull crushers
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 12

7) Decline BB BP
1 x 8
2 x 4
3 x 4

8) Front raises
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15

9) Weighted Dips
1 x 10
2 x 10
3 x 12

10) Rack pulls
1 x 21
2 x 15
3 x 10

11) EZ bar curls
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 10

12) DB Rows
1 x 17
2 x 10
3 x 10

13) Standing cross body hammer curls
1 x 15
2 x 12
3 x 12

14) Seated underhand cable lay pulldowns
1 x 20
2 x 12
3 x 12

15) Concentration hammer curls
1 x 10
2 x 8
3 x 8

16) DB shrugs
1 x 25
2 x 25
3 x 25

I’m smoked! Replenished with some food and water with electrolytes. Shower, Casein protein shake @ 40g protein with a scoop of collagen peptides with an additional 18g of protein…now bed!

Chest, Tri, Shoulders

1) Flag BB BP- 2min rest
1- Bar X 50
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x 1
5 x 9

2) cable rope Face pulls laying down- 45sec rest
1 x 25
2 x 20
3 x 15
4 x 15

3) cable rope Tricep extension- 45 sec rest
1 x 23
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10

4) Incline BB BP- 1 min rest
1- Bar x 50
2 x 12
3 x 5
4 x 4
5 x 5

5) Seated DB shoulder press- 45 sec rest
1 x 12
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 9

6) Cable overhead Tricep extension- 45sec rest
1 x 12
2 x 15
3 x 12
4 x 12

7) Weighted Dips
1 x 10
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 7

8) DB side lateral raise- 45 sec rest
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

Abs/core was worked prior to entering the gym today.
Seeing this makes me wanna start a log now
Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
Finished up late last night 2-6-24 so gonna get my workout input while eating some breakfast.

Back, Bi, Traps

1) Underhand bent over rows
1 x 25
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

2) BB curls
1 x 30
2 x 15
3 x 12
4 x 10

3) straight arm lay pullovers
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 6
4 x 6

4) seated DB curls
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 10
4 x 10

5) wide grip seated last pulldowns
1 x 20
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 7

6) Concentration hammer curls
1 x 12
2 x 10
3 x 12
4 x 10

7) Hex bar shrugs
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

Abs done b4 workout and finished workout with a 15min 40sec on, 20yrs off battle ropes.

Today I’m taking as a rest day. I got back from work and made the kids dinner. Then I got to watch 3/4 of the CUSE game before I had to leave to take my daughter to counseling.

She is getting better and coping well from the dog attack incident. She is still in physical therapy for another 3wks then we will see what comes of that. She still has periods of throbbing and numbness that goes from her thumb midway up her forearm.

I will be making up todays leg workout this saturday.

I will be making some adjustments to my compound doses. I had a difficult time getting off last night so gonna up the test to 600mg ew. I took 50mg of generic viagra for this encounter. I will see upping the test will help before I start dropping caber. Not using an priligy either…but we shall see how tonight goes cuz the ole lady wants more tonight…🍆💦 I took my NO2 non stim preworkout and 15mg cialis. Let’s see what happens 👀

1) Decline BB BP
1 x 15
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 7

2) Standing BB shoulder press
1 x 12
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 4

3) Skull crushers
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 12

4) Flat DB BP
1 x 20
2 x 12
3 x 8
4 x 5

5) Tricep rope pull downs
1 x 20
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 8

6) Cable lateral raise
1 x 12
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10

7) Incline DB BP
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 5

8) Face pulls
1 x 25
2 x 13
3 x 13
4 x 11

9) Tricep dips
1 x 18
2 x 14
3 x 12
4 x 12

Abs/core work complete prior to lifting. 45 sec of rest between iso sets and 1 min rest between each pressing set.