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New Years Bulk Cycle for the King


Back, Bi, Traps

Abs prior to workout

45sec rest between sets

1) DB rows
1 x 15
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10

2) 21s close/wide alternating
1 x 21
2 x 21
3 x 21
4 x 21

3) Straight arm lat pullover
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 8
4 x 6

4) Seated DB drag curls
1 x 15
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 8

5) Seated wide grip lat pull downs
1 x 20
2 x 16
3 x 12
4 x 8

6) Concentration curls
1 x 12
2 x 10
3 x 12
4 x 10

7) Hex bar shrugs
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

I had a great pump today. Talked with a few different neighbors that came over to say high and ask how things are going. Both said to me that I am looking bigger! Fuck yeah i do. My guess is 12-15 pounds already. Very little water retention.

Chest, Tri, Shoulders

1) Incline BB BP
1- Bar x 50
2 x 15
3 x 8
4 x 5
5 x 5

2) Face pulls
1 x 25
2 x 15
3 x 12
4 x 10

3) Rope Tricep ext
1 x 20
2 x 12
3 x 12
4 x 12

4) Flat BB BP
1- Bar x 50
2 x 12
3 x 6
4 x 5
5 x 5

5) Overhead Tricep ext
1 x 20
2 x 15
3 x 8
4 x 8

6) DB shoulder press
1 x 15
2 x 10
3 x 10
4 x 10

7) Cable flys
1 x 10
2 x 10
3 x 10
4 x 10

8) Single Arm cable kickbacks
1 x 12
2 x 12
3 x 10
4 x 10

9) Side/Front lateral raises split
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

1) BB bent over rows
1 x 25
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x 10

2) BB curls
1 x 30
2 x 17
3 x 10
4 x 10

3) straight arm lay pullovers
1 x 18
2 x 12
3 x 6
4 x 6

4) Cross body hammer curls
1 x 20
2 x 12
3 x 12
4 x 12

5) Seated underhand lay pull downs
1 x 20
2 x 8
3 x 8
4 x 8

6) Hammer concentration curls
1 x 10
2 x 8
3 x 10
4 x 8

7) Hex bar shrugs
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

15min Battle rope HIIT. 40sec on 20sec rest for total of 15min.

My arms are smoked.
What's the scale/ mirror saying brother?

I have been meaning to weigh myself but I haven’t. I can see some size adding up in my delts, tri, and bi are coming but my strength has been increasing each week. I wish I would be comfortable taking pics before and after to post for y’all but I have many tattoos that can be identifiable and I can’t risk it rn…just in case. I could lose my career for steroid use so I’m very cautious.
I have been meaning to weigh myself but I haven’t. I can see some size adding up in my delts, tri, and bi are coming but my strength has been increasing each week. I wish I would be comfortable taking pics before and after to post for y’all but I have many tattoos that can be identifiable and I can’t risk it rn…just in case. I could lose my career for steroid use so I’m very cautious.
Totally understood brother. I'm up about 4lbs since December, so .5lb/wk is decent. Bumped food 500 kCal once it stalled, so we'll see. (Always push the food up before the compounds, kids!)

Sounds like you're making good strides. How many kCal/daily out of curiosity?
Sorry if you already mentioned it.

Same here, I don't do pics. High profile career.
Totally understood brother. I'm up about 4lbs since December, so .5lb/wk is decent. Bumped food 500 kCal once it stalled, so we'll see. (Always push the food up before the compounds, kids!)

Sounds like you're making good strides. How many kCal/daily out of curiosity?
Sorry if you already mentioned it.

Same here, I don't do pics. High profile career.

I’m up a solid and lean 9lbs. I prolly would have been more but my diet and training suffered for over a week when I got sick a few weeks back.

My wife and work colleagues are all noticing me putting on size. Friends are happy for me but my wife says I’m getting too big. I say never…I’m not even close to where I want to be but much further now then from when i started.

Calorie intake goal is at 3k-3400. Sometime unfortunately I miss a meal and have to hammer a shake which gets me to my protein daily goal but the shake is very low in calories compared to eating a meal.


1) Hex bar DL
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x 10

2) Barbell squats
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

3) Leg extension
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

4) Leg curls
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

5) Calf raises
1 x 25
2 x 25
3 x 25
4 x 25

Core worked prior to hitting the gym.

6 rounds, 3min, 1min rest Heavy Bag


1) Hex bar DL
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 10
4 x 10

2) Barbell squats
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

3) Leg extension
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

4) Leg curls
1 x 15
2 x 15
3 x 15
4 x 15

5) Calf raises
1 x 25
2 x 25
3 x 25
4 x 25

Core worked prior to hitting the gym.

6 rounds, 3min, 1min rest Heavy Bag
What are your rest intervals? How many RIR (Reps In Reserve) per set?
What are your rest intervals? How many RIR (Reps In Reserve) per set?
I always go with high intensity so my rest periods are 45-60sec between sets…this is for everything else unless doing PR.

When I do my leg workout do my 4 sets of hex bar dl with that 45-60sec rest. Once that exercise is completed I go from BB squat to leg extensions to leg curls, to calf raises, then 4 total rounds of that. No rest between these 4 exercises. It’s a smoker on the legs for sure.

Hex bar dl I go to failure in my last 2 sets. As for the other movements on leg day it’s prolly within 2-3 more reps I can get out. I have some knee issues that’s why I go with light weight for high reps and good form with a tight squeeze and pause at the top of the movements.
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Took a test day. I have a lil discomfort in my lower back that feels like a pinched nerve or something so did some heat and the inversion board. Woke up this morning still not right?

Yesterday was my wife’s bday so I took the fam out to dinner and we came back for cake and gifts. We had a good time but it was a bit crowded out there yesterday and it made all of us a lil anxious.

Today I pinned:
Test E- 225mg
Mast E- 150mg
NPP- 75mg

I used a 3cc syringe, drew with a 23g 1” needle, then switched the needle with a new 23g 1” needle and pinned my left glute.
I have a lil discomfort in my lower back that feels like a pinched nerve or something so did some heat and the inversion board. Woke up this morning still not right?

Did you stretch your Iliopsoas muscle (hip flexor)? I can always tell when mine are tight and it's giving me lower back pain. It's like what you're experiencing, a pinched nerve with shooting pain in that lower back area.
Did you stretch your Iliopsoas muscle (hip flexor)? I can always tell when mine are tight and it's giving me lower back pain. It's like what you're experiencing, a pinched nerve with shooting pain in that lower back area.
I’m a big believer in stretching and I do everyday before going out to the gym. I have lower back issues on and off for about 3yrs now. Someday i need to get some imaging done…especially before I retire.
Ok so I owe y’all my diet plan. The following will be a my meal plan. I don’t deviate much from it. People think I’m crazy cuz I pretty much eat the same thing every single day. I easy! Not hard to please when it comes to food…just as long as there is no garlic, onions, or chunks of tomato’s.

BREAKFAST- 2 1/2 cups of Premier Protein cereal with 2 cups Almond milk.
510 cal
12.5g fat
37g carbs
52g protein

SNACK 1- Omega 3 trail mix 4 servings @1 cup total
720 cal
56g fat
44g carbs
20g protein

LUNCH- 3lbs of Turkey burger and 2lbs broccoli split in 5 meals.
606 cal
11.25g carbs
37.5g fat
49.25g protein

SNACK 2- Premier protein bar & shake.
360 cal
10g fat
22g carbs
50g protein

SNACK 3- Nibbler Pretzels 1 serving
110 cal
.5g fat
23g carbs
3g protein

197 cal
1.5g fat
5g carbs
58g protein

DINNER- 3.5lbs of chicken tenderloins and 2lbs of broccoli split into 5 meals.
497 cal
11.25g carbs
8g fat
67g protein

SNACK (B4 bed snack)-2 items*
1 cup Cottage Cheese
240 cal
10g fat
10g carbs
26g protein
Greek Yogurt cup
90 cal
0g fat
7g carbs
15g protein

3,330 cal
141g fat
170.5g carbs
340.25g protein

I know my carbs should be at least double but my energy levels do not suffer so I do fine and this works for me.

Hydration is 1-1.5 gal of water per day. In the summer when everyday is 100+ and my workouts are still 100-106 degrees outside in my garage I drink closer to 2gal.
I primarily drink water but also within that volume of consumption include 44oz of decaf green tea and 32oz of water with MIO electrolytes.
Saw 3.5 lbs of chicken...a true WTF moment. Split into....oooooooohhhhh. LOL

That's about a 40/40/20 P/F/C split. Pretty much a low carb day for me also. I cycle carbs for activity, but don't go no carb or only veggies on off days since I'm in a mass building cycle.

Awesome brother - thanks for posting!
